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- Anyway I want no Pope or Priest.
- But surely I can do that without adopting a particular form of religion. If I adopt a particular Church I antagonize my fellow men, so I keep neutral and bear ill-will to none.
- Would not such apparent preference of Catholic employees justify Protestants in boycotting Catholic labor?
- That Protestantism commends itself more to men is evident from the fact that it is not attacked as is Catholicism.
- Has not the fact of an organized visible hierarchy led to great trouble & in the temporal sphere?
- Even were the office of head of the Church conferred in Matt. XVI., 18, surely it was withdrawn in Matt* XV L, 23, where Christ said to Peter, "Get thee behind me. Satan I"
- Forgiveness through the mediation of a Priest is opposed to the doctrine that Christ is the only Mediator.
- If there were twelve roads leading to the one goal, would it matter which you took?
- Do you think society will allow them to continue in existence, despite their place in economics
- At evening devotions in a Catholic Church I heard many prayers to Mary. I cannot find in Scripture where Mary is to be worshipped in the same way as Christ.
- I am well known and respected.
- Do Catholics believe that Mary is omnipotent?
- The Bible says that Anti-Christ will bid men abstain from meats. 1 Tim. IV., 3.
- I have never heard any Protestant clergyman speak as severely to his people as do Catholic Priests.
- Wherein did God show Himself kinder or more reliable than Satan?
- This limitation of the teaching authority of the Church to questions of faith and morals is very convenient.
- What can adulterated rain water do?
- Priests violate a fundamental law of nature ordering production of the race.
- Has not the Christian doctrine of the Trinity a mythological origin?
- The motive of your Church is to increase her numbers.
- We Protestants believe that Christ’s body is really present in the Eucharist, but not by transubstantiation.
- Your Church will be useless until she preaches less individual salvation and more social salvation.
- According to Cardinal Vaughan, Catholics think the Mass better than Calvary!
- The fact remains that you do not know where heaven is.
- Why does the Catholic Church surround death with gloom, offering the Mass in black vestments, and everything so sad and solemn?
- I can't imagine what this future life can possibly be like.
- Were they living in adultery, and were their children illegitimate?
- Can you show from Scripture that Christ intended this perfect development of the Mosaic religion to be distinct from the religion of the Synagogue?
- What do you mean by religion?
- Marconi secured a divorce and teas re-married in the Catholic Church.
- But your Church scatters curses, interdicts, and excommunications! Where is "Love your enemies" in this?
- Can you blame governments for confiscating the property of the Church and giving it back to the people?
- Why was the Inquisition established at all?
- I am glad my religion rests upon its own intrinsic good, not upon foolish miracles.
- I, for one, do not believe in the Bible. Your own proof is a vicious circle, the Church proving her own infallibility from Scripture, and the inspiration of Scripture from her infallibility.
- Would God be born as an infant?
- Surely he did some virtuous actions. Are they to be of no avail?
- What is the nature of your doctrine on purgatory?
- Truth is too big a thing for one religion to corner?
- Can the infallible Catholic Church give me the chemical equation of the reaction which took place when Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt?
- God would not demand expiation after having forgiven the sin.
- How could Jacob wrestle with an Angel?
- No one on earth knows anything about the life beyond.
- Could a Priest be in mortal sin yet give the true body of Christ?
- Christ said that a rich man could not enter Heaven.
- Will the future differ from this life?
- What of souls already in hell, heaven, or purgatory?
- Do you deny that one can follow his conscience?
- Dogma will not save a single soul.
- Are Catholic Priests forbidden to study economics?
- Your arrogance in interfering with the domestic relations of man and wife is astounding!
- If a Catholic employs a Mason, what should other Catholics do?
- I use my reason to think for myself in these matters.
- Statements of dogma cannot be an exact science!
- What are the conditions for the salvation of such a good Protestant?
- Christ did not die that Nuns should live such a strange and hard life in these civilized times.
- In Europe I found glorious Cathedrals and pitiable poverty side by side.
- But your Church is the Roman Catholic Church.
- I would like some further information on these matters. What does the word socialism mean?
- Your Church is doing more to prevent reunion than any other Church.
- I belong to the High Church party, but I think it is wrong to criticize other parties.
- The more I learn, the more I wonder!
- How do you reconcile the conduct of bitter Catholics with the teachings of Christ?
- The early Church did not admit that the Pope was infallible, nor did any Pope before Pius EX. claim such a privilege.
- Our Protestant clergyman admits that angels are not personal beings, but says that they are impersonal messages or good influences from God.
- Isn't it new to hear a Catholic admit that the earth could be millions of years old?
- Is not such a Priest an enemy to the state?
- Details of Confession - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- You would be much happier if you were married.
- It costs a girl $7,500 to enter this Order!
- Why does not the Catholic Church baptize by immersion?
- There is no evidence of the holiness of your Church in the lives of the Catholic people. Catholics do not practice what they preach.
- If your Church won't denounce unscrupulous capitalism, how can you justify your faith in the Founder of your Church, who was a carpenter, a working man?
- Can you call a man a Christian who hoards up useless cash whilst another man starves?
- At least you cannot quarrel with Anglican teaching.
- Can you give me one case where the Church has actively assisted the lower orders against the oppression of higher powers?
- My future depends upon Christ9 not upon being anointed with oil.
- What is the Holy Eucharist?
- Did Christ make a mistake when He said that "this generation" shall not pass till the end of the world come? Matt. XXIV. 34.
- How could Christ be subject to the Bishop of Rome?
- You talk of universal persuasion. Men used to believe that the world was flat!
- Should not a man be ruled by his own opinions?
- Christ did not have a crucifix or Rosary beads.
- Is the decision of Rome regarding Anglican Orders irrevocable?
- He drove the money-changers from the Temple.
- Has a child of seven sufficient reason?
- Why are scientists of standing so opposed to the Catholic Church?
- Why is the Catholic Church opposed to birth-control?
- The Church does not persecute because it cannot. Persecution in the world to-day for religious opinions is impossible.
- The idea of the Trinity was derived from ancient Egyptian mythology. The Oracle of Serapis used to reply, "First God, Oxen the Word, and with them the Holy Spirit. All these are of the same nature and make but one whole, of which the power is eternal."
- Catholics will be despised as narrow-minded Pharisees.
- Did not Franciscans and Dominicans attack each other bitterly over the Immaculate Conception?
- The Church of England repudiates the term Protestant, and, as far as I am aware, has never used it.
- Does not Christian Science rely upon prayer through belief in Christ's words, "Whatever you ask in My name, it shall be granted"?
- Docs Scripture show that Peter was even aware of9 or openly claimed supreme power?
- All that you have said seems reasonable in itself9 but this monarchical hierarchy seems so dreadfully opposed to the spirit of the Gospel which proposes Christ as the only Mediator.
- Let me give you a concrete case. You are a convert to the Catholic Church and a Priest. Now if your own mother died, would you attend her Protestant burial?
- It looks as if money had weight with Rome.
- May we say that man has a soul?
- St. Matt. gives 42 generations; St. Luke gives 72. Why?
- Are the accounts of the resurrection as given by the Synoptics identical in every particular?
- We Protestants worship the same God as you Catholics—how can we be wrong?
- I want my question answered. A rich man leaves $19000 for Masses for his soul. A poor man leaves but $1. Who has the better chance of entering heaven?
- Has not the Church always hindered the progress of science by her moral prohibitions?
- How could water convey a blessing?
- Holiness demands humility, and thai forbids such arrogance as the Pope's claim to be the Vice-regent of God.
- Workers are slaves held in bondage, their first and last thought the fear of losing their employment.
- Were not Mary, the brethren of Jesus, and the Jews completely surprised when Jesus came forward as the Messiah?
- Ought not the Catholic Church to elect a Britisher as Pope sometimes, just to prove to the world its Catholicity?
- That claim is not true. Every part of the Masonic ritual is based upon Biblical teaching.
- What special qualifications has the Catholic Church in the interpretation of Scripture?
- Did not St. Thomas Aquinas deny the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception?
- Is the Bible on the Index?
- Did not the Jews think that they were asked to eat the very body of Christ? Yet He refuted them by saying that His body would ascend to Heaven and that the flesh profits nothing. Jn. VI., 63-64.
- You cannot know that the Church will last till the end of time!
- Your infallible Church allowed St. Bernard to remain in ignorance of this doctrine.
- I cannot conceive a future state altogether satisfying.
- How do you know that there is a heaven?
- How could Christ be a Catholic when He existed before the Church?
- Was Pius IX. just when he plotted to keep the Papal States and hinder a united Italy?
- The ceremonial of the Church shows a great change since the time of Christ.
- He had no magnificent edifice to preach in, but always spoke in the open air.
- Too many have accepted the evolutionary theory in part or entirely for the Church to condemn it.
- I am human, and I can't believe in a burning hell, above all for souls Christ came to redeem.
- The ritual of the Roman Church is intricate, mysterious, and sensual, whilst the Gospel is simplicity itself.
- Why are Nuns never allowed out of their convents?
- Did not Pope Innocent III. in 1208 first teach the dogma that the Mass is a sacrifice?
- A higher standard of life and education is demanded to-day than in mediaeval times, and one can't do it with a large family.
- The Kingdom of God is within you.
- We Protestants believe that Christian doctrine was kept pure as long as the Apostles lived, hut after their deaths, errors crept in.
- If you are not obliged to believe all that the Pope says9 how say that he is infallible?
- May a Catholic act as best man or bridesmaid at a non-Catholic wedding?
- Does God create every soul now in a state of sin?
- There is only one sacrifice for Christians—that of Calvary,
- If Nuns are so happy, why have they such sombre and gloomy faces?
- Christ is in Heaven. How can you put Him in the tabernacle?
- Priests ought to marry to set a higher example.
- What about the tortures of the Spanish Inquisition?
- If that be so Anglicans are Catholics after all, a thing which I have heard you repeatedly deny.
- It is dishonest to wish to get $5,000 for $1 in a lottery.
- How can you call your Church Catholic ivhen all your Popes are Italians?
- Did not the Lateran Council in 1215 first oblige auricular Confession?
- The civil law admits divorce and re-marriage.
- All things are created out of spirit, i.e., out of God.
- How do you know that there are any souls in purgatory?
- Could I give up Protestantism and become a Catholic in order to marry a Catholic?
- St. Augustine says that the superfluities of the rich are the necessities of the poor. Therefore those who possess superfluities possess the goods of the poor and are robbers.
- Man - Primer Catechism
- Why not preach charity, instead of speaking always with self-satisfaction of your "only right dogmas"?
- Did God redly take a rib from Adam and make a woman therefrom?
- I admit that it is a pity that there is so much conflict.
- Was Pius IX. just when he plotted to keep the Papal States and hinder a united Italy?
- Does not God forbid gambling of any kind?
- Since the opening of the Bible to her people, God has favored England as no other nation since Israel.
- Pope Leo X. sold indulgences in Germany to get money for St. Peter\\\'s. Do you think it right to sell pardons for sins?
- Where was Christ's knowledge of future glory when He prayed to be freed from the necessity of dying.
- I do not expect to win a race when it is over.
- Masonry goes back to Solomon's temple, long before Catholicism began. How can you say that it began in 1717?
- Is your God interested in propounding conundrums?
- I can understand inheriting the effects of the first sin, hut why the sin itself? If my father is a thief, I share in his disgrace, but my soul is not stained by his sins.
- Did not Mary, to cloak her own sin, persuade St. Joseph that her child was of the Holy Ghost?
- Have Catholics any advantages not possessed by good Protestants?
- At least God could have given men a stronger will.
- What is truth?
- Homage of our reason! Blind unreasoning obedience would be a better phrase.
- Just the opposite is true. Catholics remain Catholics because they have never developed any reasoning powers on the subject of religion.
- Why is the Catholic Church so severe in her lata in this matter?
- In the name of Catholicity you often point out that your Church exceeds all others numerically. But that only disproves your case. Christ said that He scarcely expected to find faith on earth.
- Catholics worship Mary? - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Your Church fears that she will lose the whip hand over the children.
- Are not Catholics taught that the economic distress of the world is caused by supernatural influences, and that they must simply endure it?
- Should not the children be of the mother's faith?
- Why are not mixed marriages celebrated before the Altar?
- I don't see how the fact that your Church has stood for so long proves its truth. Other religions have stood longer, and have perished.
- How would he win people if he did not mix a few good works with his errors?
- Does not the axiom hold, "Out of nothing, nothing can come”?
- Anyway we cannot fully understand mysteries. How can God expect us to believe them?
- The Catholic Church is described in I Tim. IV., 1-3. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith—teaching doctrines of devils-speaking lies in hypocrisy-—forbidding to marry—commanding to abstain from meats. Where is her infallibility?
- People may not enter until they are twenty-one.
- It is not. Christ said, "Use not vain repetitions as do the heathen, who think in their much speaking to be heard."
- The Catholic burial service asks God to bless the grave and send His angel to keep it. If there is an angel by every Catholic grave, what does he do there?
- We Protestants regard Confession as an intolerable burden.
- Inquisitions - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- If acceptance of Christianity be necessary for salvation, what of those who lived before Christ?
- You anoint even the unconscious, yet a medical friend tells me that, in his opinion, death takes place with final unconsciousness and before the heart stops beating.
- There is no need to talk of future balancing of the scales. Virtue is its own reward in this life, even as the wicked endure remorse.
- Were there not mediaeval guilds or lodges of stone-masons before 1717?
- Jesus never advised anyone to see a doctor or pay attention to health laws.
- Is it not absurd to say that Methuselah could live 900 years?
- Please give me evidence that God exists. I have never had any such evidence for I do not accept the Bible.
- May a Catholic read the correct Word of God, or only the Bible as written to suit the Catholic Church?
- What do you mean by the term God?
- But a re-formed Church is not a new Church.
- I believe in the New Testament, but not in the Old Testament.
- To brand me with sin is as unjust as hanging me for a murder I did not commit.
- I know that Protestants are ignorant of Catholicity, but are not Catholics ignorant of Protestantism?
- Most people who are Christians cannot give a valid reason for their faith. Will you give me a valid reason for your faith?
- What is meant by natural religion, and why is it not sufficient?
- This sin business worries me. Is it possible that mortal man can sin against Almighty God? I can see that he can sin against his fellow mortal men.
- These things were in Catholic times and Catholic countries; but what is the Church doing for the down-trodden workers throughout the world?
- Our Protestant Churches are open to the public.
- Tell us plainly. Do you put Church first and country second?
- The Pope is carried in solemn procession like some Eastern tyrant. Would Christ do that?
- Why was I born without my consent, when I have to inherit original sin?
- Do you hnoiv of any Nun who has left after final vows, going hack to the world and to sanity?
- Would God destine so good a man as General Booth for purgatory just because he was not a Catholic?
- Rave not political intrigues sapped the Catholic Church of all spirituality and holiness?
- I have heard that the Church openly forbids mixed marriages, but secretly fosters them to secure the control of the children.
- How can you reconcile hell with God's love, justice, and mercy?
- Civil law says that the marriage of a Catholic and a Protestant in a Protestant Church is valid. Why don9t you acknowledge the law of the land?
- Advantages of Confession - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Until such inspection is granted I cannot consider convent life above board.
- The Roman Church has often changed its constitution.
- Cathedrals costing thousands are nothing to God. He is a Spirit, and would love just as much without the earthly show.
- Palaces are not necessary to enable Popes to meet kings on their own level. All men are equal.
- Is it revealed doctrine that the soul of man is immortal?
- How can you as an honest man support the extortion of hard-earned money from the poor?
- Is it true, as Genesis says, that the earth is 5000 years old?
- It is a well known fact that all real missionary enterprise is carried on by the Protestants of England and America.
- You claim to legislate in purely spiritual things, yet order fast and abstinence on certain days. There is nothing spiritual in forbidding people to eat meat.
- What is your Romish reply to the challenge of Art. XXII. in the Book of Common Prayer?
- I have known Catholics to admit that they have never read the Bible. Why does not the Catholic Church teach it to them?
- Christ allowed divorce for one reason. He said, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, maketh her to commit adultery." Matt. V., 32.
- Have you any reason for the rejection of the "Witnesses of Jehovah"?
- Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's!
- Of more interest to me are the dogmas concerning the formation of man. Why not admit that man has evolved out of the past?
- Christ did not institute marriage. It existed long before His advent to this world.
- If it be a sin to doubt Catholic dogma, how can you weigh evidence for and against? St. Paul tells us to prove all things.
- Christ claimed, not to be God, but to be the Son of God.
- Why does the Church offer us hell when we have hell in this life?
- What is your attitude towards state schools? Do you think them Satanic and their founders devils?
- What was the religion of Noah?
- The constantly changing laws of the Catholic Church show that her principles are man-made.
- But if Confession does not stop sin what is the good of it?
- I am a Protestant who leads a good life. That is enough.
- What form have these angels?
- Why precisely does your Church condemn Spiritualism?
- They are practically the same in their services.
- You speak of laws adapted to the welfare of the race. But if married men are guilty in violating those laivs, what of single men?
- But the Inquisition is not all! The Pope honored the Duke of Alva for the slaughter of 18,000 heretics.
- God takes the wager, and delivers His servant to all the fiendish cruelty the devil can devise!
- Marriage is a contract between the parties themselves. Why should they have to be married in the Catholic Church?
- The Baptist Church is the true Church. It really acts as did the first Christians, whilst the Catholic Church is not mentioned in Scripture as the true Church.
- The Catholic Church is inhuman and takes the joy out of life. How can one believe in her?
- Which is the lesser of two evils—to bring undernourished children into the world for whom you cannot provide, or to practice contraception?
- The crossing of the Red Sea by Moses and the Jews must surely be a fable.
- Heaven and the next World - Primer Catechism
- Must I believe the miracles recorded in the Gospels? Believe a thing which cannot be substantiated in order to be saved?
- You urge these privileges granted to Mary as the foundation of your devotion to her, yet Christ said, "Rather blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it."
- Tertullian says that, as in the ocean there are many seas and ports, so in the Catholic Church there are many churches. How can the Roman branch exclude the other branches?
- It is no fault of the state that you have to have your own schools.
- But does not St. John, in Revelations, call Rome the Babylon of sin?
- You connect Baptism with original sin?
- I must confess that I find all this rather baffling.
- How does the Greek Church differ from the Catholic Church?
- If God is almighty He could prevent volcanoes, earthquakes, etc., which kill innocent and wicked people alike.
- Is it because she could not believe what you believe?
- You have spoken repeatedly of the day of resurrection and of judgment. Are all to rise from the dead9 or only some?
- I admit the force of Apostolic traditions for the early Christians. But they could be sure of them as we cannot to-day.
- You teach that the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Son, yet is responsible for the birth of that Son.
- Do you believe with science that man has been on earth tens of thousands of years, or do you believe the Bible story?
- You have more faith in a doctor to heal you than you have in God.
- Christ offered the Last Supper in the evening. Why do you not have Mass in the evening instead of the morning?
- You speak as if Jesus looks on His mother just as you look on yo mother.
- Is it not because non-Catholic scientists have superior intellects and better data?
- Can a Priest forgive blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which Christ says shall not be forgiven in this world or the next?
- Many Catholics practice birth-control, as is evident from their small families.
- Ecclesiastes III., 19, tells us that the death of man and beasts is equal, and that man hath no pre-eminence over the beast.
- But the very word reformation supposes a continuously existing body.
- Prove that a soul does exist in man.
- The Protestant Bible gives the second commandment as referring to images. But the Catholic Catechism gives it as referring to taking the name of God in vain, omitting the references to images.
- People will never know the dogmas of the Church to be true unless she changes them.
- Is there any evidence in Scripture that Mary was indeed never actually subject to original sin?
- Why oblige young immature women to take vows at all?
- The Last Supper had no elaborate ceremonial rites9 yet look at the Mass to day.
- A man has every chance to repent in this life.
- Can indulgences be applied to the souls in purgatory?
- "He that believeth in Me hath everlasting life." Jn. VI, 47.
- Cannot the Congregationalist make out an equally strong case for a universal spiritual brotherhood, but toith local independence of churches?
- How can a man be born again?
- But at least the plan of salvation can be understood by the simplest person. We Protestants even tell our children to read their Bibles in order to discern it.
- How can marriage be a Sacrament?
- Does not the Church absolutely forbid Catholics to become Freemasons?
- Is it a sin against the law of God to support Cremation?
- Would it not be better to say that religion is a matter of conscience?
- Christ died for all. He did not say that we must all be Catholics.
- Christ dressed with the utmost simplicity and talked to Cod in the most humble places.
- If I am free, why was I given no choice as to whether I should exist or not?
- Do you say that all large families are sufficiently provided for?
- Does Scripture say that Peter teas ever Bishop of Rome?
- Will priestly sophistry deceive all the people all the time, with the spread of science?
- How do you know that God is eternal, or always was, is, and will be?
- We Masons meet in order to worship the true God.
- It is a wonderful way to get money; just tell people that they sin if they don't give!
- At what age can children receive Holy Communion?
- Public inspection would be the end of the system.
- That all must be Catholics is very one-sided in favor of the Catholic Church!
- Mary and the Saints - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Who said that every man will go to hell if he eats meat on Friday?
- Are Judas and Adam in hell?
- I have discovered 27 virgin-born saviors in my studies of mythology.
- But in almost every country where she exists, the Catholic Church meddles with politics and causes trouble.
- If the use of statues is all right, why did the Catholic Church cut out the second commandment?
- What books are omitted from the Protestant Version?
- I am a broad-minded Anglican Protestant, yet I cannot but suspect convents.
- How do you prove the existence of such a state?
- Explain fully to us the Trinity, in the Christian sense of the word.
- Is there any Scripture warrant for fasting?
- Who has the final say as to whether a soul deserves canonization?
- It is strange that there is so small a percentage of Catholics in Australia, if your Church alone has the accurate teachings of Christ!
- Birth Control - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- But you cannot escape the fact that the Catholic Church is a kingdom of this world, although Christ said that His Kingdom was not of this world.
- How many souls are lost according to the Catholic Church?
- But people can simulate sorrow, or deceive the Priest by telling him only so much as they wish.
- Is not there an important error concerning the date of Christ’s birth?
- Marriage is a legal status not subject to any law spiritual.
- Have you to believe the Pope whether what he says is true or not?
- You said that the unity of the Church could not he maintained unless the Church were infallible. But are not the different faiths to-day accounted for by the fact that the Apostles went different ways and preached according to their different views?
- Why does He permit those who do serve Him to live in poverty, whilst the godless have a smooth path through life?
- You dare to say that no marriage outside the Church is a true marriage, that the Catholic party is living in sin, and that the children are not acceptable in decent society?
- You have no right to deny our claims. Christ meant Protestantism to be, or it would not exist,
- The Lord's Prayer shows that God Himself hears our prayers.
- Does not the Catholic Church insist also upon the biologically impossible dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary herself?
- So the Priest always has the wine, but does not give it to the laity!
- Matt. XIII, 55-56, says, "His brethren James and Joseph, and Simon and Judes and His sisters, are they not all with us?"
- You admit no original documents in existence, and therefore no real evidence. Where are your claims?
- Did not Tertullian say, "I believe because it is impossible"?
- Matt. II., 14 says that the Holy Family went to Egypt until the death of Herod. Lk. II., 39, says that they waited 40 days for the Purification, and went thence to Nazareth! Which is correct?
- Catholic men know that Protestant wives are best. Why prevent them from having the best wives?
- You have never been a Mason. How can you know anything about it?
- You say that any Nun could give up the life?
- If God is loving, just, and all-powerful, why does He permit moral evil, or sin?
- You have spoken often of Priests. Do you regard their ordination as a Sacrament?
- If there is anything more polytheistic than Christianity in Greek or any other mythology, where is it?
- The Pope commands the poor to hear their poverty "in tranquil resignation."
- Is not the Priest who can accomplish this thing akin to the miracle man of primitive religions?
- But I cannot believe in the Divinity of Christ.
- Why, in all ceremonies and sermons, do Priests speak in Latin?
- I have studied Christianity and it is my honest opinion that it is not true. Yet you tell me that I am to believe that it is true!
- You said that a Protestant in good faith could be saved. Does not that admit that his religion is sufficiently true?
- How do Catholics observe the Lord's Day?
- Does crawling up the Scala Santa at Rome on one's knees help save one's soul?
- That was in the 7th century. Who was head of the Church for the first three hundred years?
- Then in that case, any form of government, even socialistic, is law* ful as far as the Catholic Church is concerned.
- Your Church is pretty clever, making thousands of weak women virtual slaves.
- Montreal is a Catholic city; we can understand the verdict on Maria Monk.
- Ingersoll paints the pretty picture! God made all the animals walk before Adam that he might name them. And the animals came like a menagerie into town, and as Adam looked at all the crawlers and jumpers and creepers, this God stood by to see what he would call them!
- Your faith may be right, but may it not be wrong?
- God knows all. He knew the pair must fall when He made them.
- Popes think it is right to excommunicate all who do not agree with them.
- Why bother about justice here, if all injustice is to be rectified and compensated in the next world?
- Ezechiel XVIII., 4, says, "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
- Where is the justice of God, in permitting this uneven distribution?
- You cannot deny that you are bigoted in your exclusive claims.
- So the fact remains that you must submit to a foreigner?
- It is against nature to suggest that Priests are exempt from ordinary temptations.
- Protestants in Protestant countries do not rebel against the Protestant Churches, as Catholics against the Catholic Church in Catholic countries.
- It is a most remarkable claim.
- St. John knew the Mother of Christ better than the others, yet he does not mention her Immaculate Conception!
- However bad people may be, I think it is against right ideas of God to speak of His punishing anyone forever.
- Why are all the clergy who preach social reform expelled from their churches?
- Many of your religiously trained children go wrong.
- We are as entitled to our opinions as you are to yours.
- What are the reasons for the selection of Sunday rather than Saturday?
- There is but one mediator; there is no place for Mary.
- Your creation supposes that God made all things out of nothing?
- Llorente, secretary of the Inquisition in Madrid about 1790, says that during Torquemada's eighteen years some 8,800 persons in Spain alone were burned.
- What is the Catholic idea of the Church?
- Protestants at least are allowed to think for themselves.
- The Blessed Trinity and Incarnation - Primer Catechism
- Priests as Fathers - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Are there not difficulties in the New Testament as well as in the Old Testament?
- God's covenant with the Jews concerned one day in seven, and He said, "My covenant I will not break." Is God a liar, or is your Church wrong?
- I heard you say that Christ is offered in the Eucharist as the Sacrifice of the New Law.
- If two Protestants, married in a Protestant Church, get a divorce, could one of the parties marry a Catholic in the Catholic Church provided he or she becomes a Catholic?
- What is the purpose of life on this earth?
- There is only one who is infallible—God. Satan tried to be equal to God9 and the Pope who makes a similar claim will meet with a similar fate.
- I have heard that he is Anti-Christ, and that he teas described by St. John as 666, the numerical equivalent of the Latin words of the Pope's title, Vicarius Filii Dei.
- You call the Pope the servant of the people, yet he does not minister to them. He lives a life of seclusion, shut away from tlie world.
- Do you think that Masons plot against the Catholic Church?
- Setting out the millions at so much per head is unsound, if ingenious. Not every one pays, and those who do are made to feel it.
- How can God blame anyone for doing what he must do?
- Christ rose with a material body and ascended into Heaven. What happens to His body in Heaven?
- I am an Anglican, and I was present in the Anglican Church of St. James in Sydney where a Requiem Mass was celebrated for the repose of the soul of one of our deceased priests. This occurred in 1930.
- Where does it say in Scripture that Mary was ever a virgin?
- Geiermann, a Catholic writer, says that the Church changed the day in the 4th century at the Council of Laodicea.
- If a man does not accept the Bible, can you convince him of your supernatural doctrines by reason alone?
- Anyway, the Catholic religion does not turn out men of great learning.
- Do you suggest a special state for unbaptized infants?
- What does the Catholic Church teach concerning the guidance given to individual Christians by the Holy Spirit in the work of their salvation?
- You speak of charity, yet are not Catholic children taught to hate Protestants?
- Will religion get us our bread and butter?
- Catholics call their Priest "Father," yet Christ said "Call no man your father upon earth." Matt. XXllL, 9.
- The Rosary is a relic of the superstitious middle ages, when it was meant for ignorant people.
- Joseph McCabe believed in God, but he renounced bigotry and became an Agnostic.
- All religions teach holiness, Protestantism and even Mahometanism are as moral and tolerant as the Catholic Church.
- Divorce - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- When did God tell anyone to pray to human beings?
- Understanding Catholicism within the Christian Faith
- If poison were present before consecration would it be safe to consume the Eucharist?
- How can you blend the mediation of others with that of Christ?
- Then the pain and suffering and risk of death to the mother count for nothing !
- St. Paul says, "The cross to them indeed that perish is foolishness; but to them that are saved the power of God." I. Cor. I., 18.
- Rich men who give no personal service to the community by real work are criminals.
- You insist, then, that not any form of Christianity will do, but that we ought to join the Catholic Church?
- Why inflict such a burden upon human nature?
- Are not the Jews the chosen people of God?
- Ingersoll says, "I cannot imagine the Infinite Creater giving a recipe for hair-oil for Aaron's beard!"
- Do you tell me that a good God permits deformed children, with a lifetime of misery before them?
- I admit that several Popes have expressed concern for the workers in vague and general terms, and that Leo XIII. gently admonished employers for their greed and brutality.
- We owe the great principle of justification by faith alone to the early reformers.
- Ingersoll says, "God taught polygamy. I denounce it as the infamy of infamies."
- What is your idea of a good man?
- Why do you call Mary Queen of Heaven?
- What right had God to drown the animals? They did no harm!
- One True Church - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Why Catholics Carry Statues of Mary
- Why, in Catholic countries, does the whole populace turn against the Church?
- I do not believe that any being without body, form, or shape can exist.
- If there be a good God, He must wish us to try to make this world beautiful.
- The evangelists never made reference to the miraculous birth of Christ.
- Is it not unjust that such a child should be lost through no fault of its own?
- Admitting the necessity of guidance, are not our Protestant ministers as capable as Catholic Priests in telling us what Scripture means?
- Do you believe that reflection and refraction caused no rainbows before the flood?
- She teaches the workers to beg and kiss the hand that smites them.
- Anyway, only one in a hundred thousand ever changes from the religion of his parents.
- Christian conditions came to England with Protestantism.
- It is necessary, then, that we should be on earth?
- Anyway God need not have made a serpent or devil to tempt them.
- Did the early Fathers interpret the text as you do?
- You will not admit that Christians thought it fashionable to have a virgin-born Savior, so invented or borrowed one in desperation?
- Is socialism a religion, a form of government, or a state of society?
- St. John tells us, "Blessed is he that hath part in the first resurrection. In these the second death hath no power.” Rev. XX., 6.
- If could rob people of their faith in hell I should not feel any regret.
- Does the present Archbishop of Canterbury enjoy the jurisdiction granted to his pre-reformation predecessors by the Pope, or is he linked with them only by orders
- Why sanction a mixed marriage at all in the Catholic Church? Is the Church afraid of losing the Catholic? Or the money?
- Head Covering - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- At least Protestantism is more tolerant than Catholicism. I am an Anglican, but I do not say that I am right. I believe in everyone believing as he thinks best, and not criticising others?
- Have Catholics a true copy of the Bible as used by Protestants?
- Would Christianity be anything shorn of the crucifixion?
- Our code of morality must be founded upon the only life of which we have any knowledge - this one.
- Can men whilst earth-bound understand the working of the Divine Mind?
- By what process of reasoning do you hope to win men of dean lives and unshackled intelligence to your dogmas?
- Could you tell me how?
- Christian Churches are everywhere, yet misery and distress get worse all over the world!
- Then without the grace of God one cannot have this faith?
- Was the Church right or wrong in condemning the theory of Galileo?
- They will certainly lose their friends by such neglect of civil duties, and the causing of such discord.
- All know that creed has nothing to do with conduct. Religious people sin, and are hypocrites.
- Why don't you include public healing services in your Catholic ceremonial?
- Do you mean that God made beings out of nothing?
- I am interested in your dogma concerning purgatory. Must I be a Catholic before I can understand that invention of your Church?
- You could not say the things in other countries that you say in this!
- Would Christ be so intolerant?
- Where in Scripture does it mention that Christ founded any such system?
- Have you been so atrociously wicked as to deserve purgatory?
- How old would you declare this earth to he?
- You must admit that spiritually I am your brother.
- Joseph McCabe says that purgatory is the most lucrative doctrine ever invented by Priests.
- Christ died for all, and does not say that He did so for members of any particular Church. He does not mention either Catholicism or Protestantism.
- The state offers the best schools in the world, irrespective of religion.
- Christ came to give life more abundantly. How does the Church give life to the workers more abundantly?
- Is a man definitely judged at death?
- Then you appeal to tradition in addition to Scripture?
- Did not St. Paul acknowledge the various individual churches of his time?
- Let us turn from your dogma of Christ to those dogmas concerning your goddess Mary.
- Christianity is not a thing to be proved; it is a life to be lived.
- Is it consciousness of weakness that makes the Catholic Church dread free inquiry?
- Your teachings on birth-control come with no weight from bachelor Priests.
- But there are many individual dogmas of the Church which my reason could never accept. Take, for example, your dogma of God.
- How could a mother be happy in heaven with her child in hell?
- Is it not only recently that the Catholic Church forbade it?
- Did Christ ever say that He was God?
- Will a Catholic who is convicted of murder go to Heaven if he confesses his sin to a Priest?
- Are not superiors very hard on young Nuns?
- Will you prove the reliability of the Gospels according to the five requirements outlined by yourself to a previous inquirer?
- Do all Popes and Priests go to Heaven?
- If your Church is infallible; why does she not impose peace upon earth, and banish poverty and suffering?
- Is it possible to secure forgiveness without confessing to a Priest?
- It is most unkind of you to speak so sarcastically of other religions.
- You have said that Henry VIII. started the Church of England in the sixteenth century. But history shows that the Church was in England long before Henry VIII.
- You claim that your Church has not only the marks of unity and holiness, but also of Catholicity. What does the word Catholic mean?
- You have given those tests from Chrisfs predictions and intentions. What of the test given by Mark XVI., 17? "These signs shall follow those who believe; they shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them."
- Henry reformed the Churchy giving back to England a purified Church. If you remove foreign matter from the eye, the eye is not destroyed.
- "Eat OR drink" is not in my Protestant Bible.
- Did not Christ say9 "Neither be ye masters, for one is your master, Christ." Matt. XXIII., 10.
- Anyway short mental prayers must be better than long distracted prayers.
- Why does the Church sanction slavery by not paying its thousands of workers in the Religious Orders, who are scabbing on trade-unions?
- Is not the money extracted from Catholics out of all proportion to their ability to give?
- Did Moses know the age of the earth?
- Did not Christ promise that He would send the Holy Spirit to teach us all truth?
- What indications have you that the soul is immortal?
- The higher synthesis known as Theosophy at least does not exclude Catholics.
- Christ taught His followers to heal, and they in turn taught their followers.
- Yet does not the Catholic Church regard the work of the Bible Society as dangerous to Christianity?
- Of course, as a Catholic, you have to try to prove it.
- Christ said, "Upon this rock," meaning Himself not Peter.
- Proof for God - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Why should religion come before marriage?
- By their fruits ye shall know them. If your Church were truly Catholic she would long ago have preached to all nations!
- Are there not great similarities between the life of Buddha and the story of Christ?
- The elements do not change, for there is no chemical difference after consecration.
- Was not Christ poor, and did He not forbid the hoarding up of treasure on earth?
- But the great objection to your Church remains, in that it divides a man's loyalty from his country.
- Why have you seven Sacraments, since Christ did not institute seven?
- Christ was a Jew, and practiced the Jewish religion. Why would He establish another religion when the religion of God was already in existence?
- Why did God forbid the Tree of Knowledge? Having endowed man with reason He should encourage man to advance in knowledge. And how I would have liked to have spoken to that serpent! What language did it speak?
- I allude to the fact that the Roman Church has ever striven for and possessed temporal power.
- Do you make him also a person rather than an influence?
- Why do you hate everything English?
- Many clever men have examined the Roman claims and have rejected them. They do not think it necessary to join the Catholic Church.
- But what if he be fully convinced that the Catholic Church is wrong, even though his conscience be erroneous, would you blame him for leaving rather than violate his conscience by remaining?
- We Protestants can equally claim Peter with Catholics.
- The Protestant Churches have as much right to say they have the truth as the Churches of the Corinthians, Ephesians, Colossians, etc., in early times.
- How do you account for the perseverance of older pagan religions?
- The Holy Ghost and the Church - Primer Catechism
- Christ said that it is just as easy to say9 "Get up and walk" as to forgive sin. Do this and we will believe in your power to forgive sin.
- What proof is there that Christ was God?
- But I have seen a Catholic kiss the feet of a statue of Christ.
- A man might not be able to build if full rates were paid, yet might be able to do so, at the cheaper rates.
- If you believe in Christianity you must believe that there are infinitely more people in hell than in heaven.
- Protestantism is a great boon to Catholics in allowing you to broad cast your doctrines. Had the world remained Catholic you could not have done so, and Marconi would have been treated like other scientific men by your Catholic Church.
- But surely the majority of the millions of Protestants would realise their mistake, if indeed they are mistaken. They would on any other important subject.
- Never in history were there such plagues and rumors of war as to-day.
- Masonry believes that one religion is as good as another. Is that detrimental to the Catholic Church?
- To my mind Nuns are the most unhappy beings in the world.
- Did not Christ say, "No man can serve two masters"?
- Have not many authorities held that Christ intended to build His Church not upon Peter, but upon Peter9* confession of faith in His divinity?
- Would the Catholic Church abolish religious liberty in America if it had the power?
- Jesus was a good son, but He recognized only one being, the 0mnipotent God.
- God says, "Honor thy father and thy mother."
- Priests condemn prevention of life by birth-control yet prevent life by their celibacy!
- That same Christ said, "Whosoever shall be the greatest, let him be the servant of all"
- Will the Priest tell the police or is it a sacred secret?
- Your Church will have increasing difficulty in getting intelligent men to believe in hell.
- Our Great Architect is the same God as yours.
- In spite of all that you say, I still believe that Henry VIII was justified in establishing the Church of England. He purified English religion
- Are you aware how many millions there will be? This makes me doubt even the existence of God!
- The rich belong to your Church because it is convenient.
- Catholics go to Mass and then are free to do what they like on Sunday.
- How could all be assembled at once on this small earth?
- We have the Creeds, Saints' Days, Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion. These things guarantee that we are true Christians.
- Are not the Greek Churches Apostolic?
- Have not laymen as much intelligence as Priests?
- After due purification in purgatory, you maintain that souls will be admitted to heaven. What is this heaven?
- God the Son - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- I do not see that I am responsible for my position. I applied my reason to the Bible just as I would to anything else, and I doubt Christianity.
- Where is purgatory?
- I mean, why don't you acknowledge civil law as binding before God and in conscience.
- What is a plenary indulgence?
- Your charity does not make you bless the work of our good Proestant missionaries.
- Does the dictatorship of the Pope refer to spiritual things only?
- But in the Greek text the word for Peter is Petros, and for slone, petra. They are not the same.
- I am honest without being religious. But I know many people who are religious without being honest.
- In ancient times Priests used to be good Masons.
- Then are all the unbaptized lost, whether it be their own fault or not?
- Old England still stands under the Protestant flag of liberty !
- But I feel that I am right. I have the witness in myself.
- I still maintain that you cannot be loyal. By law the king is head of the Anglican Church, a law you must ignore.
- Did not the Diet of Spires profoundly affect the history of human thought?
- Why is there an index prohibiting books by the leading writesr of the day?
- How can fire affect a spiritual being such as the devil?
- I admit that the way Catholics are taught by their hierarchy is a most successful policy.
- But would they say Masses for the poor?
- If Catholics are so narrow-minded, they deserve to pay for their own schools.
- But are you not obliged by the law of charity? Christ said, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."
- If this restriction were abolished there would be fewer marriages outside the Church.
- Yet Leo XIII. said, "We hold upon earth the place of God Almighty."
- Colonel Ingersoll has pointed out the mistakes of Moses. He says, "I am probably the only man who has read the Bible through this year in the United States. Everybody talks about the Bible and nobody reads it. That is why it is so generally believed. I have wasted this time but I had a purpose in view." Ingersoll was a man of great intellectual powers, and had he lived earlier he would have been put to death, as thousands of others, by the Church when they dared to challenge priestcraft.
- A man cannot save himself by his own good works.
- May a Catholic make a false oath to non-Catholics on behalf of his religion?
- There must be something radically tcrong with your conscience!
- Whatever you say of other churches, you will never he able to prove that toe Seventh Day Adventists are wrong whilst we remain true to the Bible.
- Do the words spirit and soul mean the same thing?
- Why do you omit from that Our Father the words "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever."
- My spirit is quite out of sympathy with that kind of thing.
- Do you deny that Baptism can belong to the Anglican Church?
- Is not the soul the breath of God?
- Should they not have assisted the needy whilst they were alive?
- Man has not got a soul—he is a soul Genesis II., 7, says that man became a living soul
- Ought not Priests to follow as closely as possible the teachings of Jesus Christ?
- I cannot reconcile myself to the Irish element which prevails in your Church !
- How do you know that Mary hears you?
- Then why did Pope Clement XI. in 1713 condemn the doctrine that the Bible is for all to read?
- Baptism by Total Immersion - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- How can you prove that he was the first Pope?
- Infant Baptism - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- A large proportion of the Popes were men of whom any Church should be ashamed.
- Why should the workers be such curs as to bear ivith tranquil resignation a poverty which is the cause of filth, drink, disease, insanity, suicide and war?
- But you cannot deny that the Church exerts political influence, in the face of all the political diplomats at the Vatican.
- Has not rationalism made havoc of Christianity, reducing the Bible to a myth, and quenching the fires of hell by humanitarian principles?
- God destroyed the unity of language at the Tower of Babel, yet you insist that all must worship Him in the one tongue!
- Anyway Scripture does not mention a Pope.
- Is it a sin for a Catholic to employ a Mason?
- Do the worshippers understand all that the Priest says in the Latin Mass?
- Can you prove this solution correct?
- You would love your mother so little whilst pretending to love God!
- You speak of the authority of the Church and the weight of tradition. But I have been taught that Scripture is the only rule of faith.
- What does the silver ring worn by Nuns mean?
- God dispensed from other laws given to the Jews.
- Would work for an hour he servile, but not for ten minutes?
- Is not rationalism on the increase, people becoming indifferent to your Christianity?
- Spinoza said that if God created the world for an object, He desires something He lacks, which denies His infinite perfection.
- Did not St. Paul say, "I have laid the foundation .. .but let every man take care how he buildeth thereon"? I. Cor. III., 10.
- You cannot deny His words9 "The Father is greater than I."
- You say that religion is necessary. I say that it is positively evil and degrading. It restrains our freedom.
- Convents should be open to public inspection.
- You mention not only the unity but also the holiness of the Catholic Church. Here at least your position becomes impossible. Indeed, how much of the spirit of Christ is found in any Church to-day?
- Might not Christ have been mistaken?
- But we Protestants believe that if a man lives a good life, no matter what Church he accepts, he will save his soul.
- I am referring to the doctrine of the Trinity. You have no sufficient reason for believing in that contradictory doctrine.
- Would you personally vote for the systematic inspection of convents by the police?
- I have known Secular Priests to leave large sums of money.
- With their infallible Church, Catholics do not need God at all.
- But you cannot tell me that the Catholic religion is carried out to-day in accordance with the quite simple teachings of Jesus!
- Do you mean that he is the mouthpiece of a General Council, or that he is infallible independently?
- One cannot keep on praying and denying oneself indefinitely.
- Why are Protestants, who believe in Scripture, so convinced that Mary had other children?
- You suppose, of course, the validity of your dogmas concerning the person and work of Christ.
- Being tied to dogmas, are you not the least fitted of all men to speak about religion?
- Catholic countries, burdened by Church institutions, cannot progress.
- Our First Parents — Original Sin - Primer Catechism
- Is the temporal punishment of torture in accordance with the teachings of Christ?
- Did not God command us to observe Saturday, and not Sunday at all?
- Anyway, those who take up games and sport on Sunday drop their Church after a time.
- Since the Reformation, Protestant countries have advanced in every way.
- What would the Catholic Church do to a Catholic who marries in the Protestant Church?
- Is it not blasphemy to use mingle mangle in baptizing children?
- Christ called her, "Woman," when He said, "Woman, behold thy son."
- Do you deny the claim to be arrogant, to say the least?
- If you call her Queen of Heaven do you not do her an injustice in refusing to her the title of goddess?
- Why forbid meat on Fridays? Christ said that nothing from without defiles a man, but that it is disposition of soul that counts. Mk.VII, 15.
- Who hears the Confession of the Pope?
- Why do Priests have motor cars, when Christ always walked?
- Latin Mass - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Does not every Bishop swear to persecute and oppose all heretics, schismatics, and rebels against the Pope?
- Angels fell in love with the daughters of men and begat giants. What a legend!
- Are Catholics told in the confessional how to vote on political questions?
- Faith in Christ is the only thing that will save sinners.
- Then where was the protection of Christ?
- Your Church began in paganism^ has lasted but 2000 years, and can claim but a mere fraction of the time this world has existed !
- Why should Priests have more latitude than Nuns?
- John told his converts to repent and be baptized.
- Do you personally believe that all non-Catholics deserve burning at the stake?
- But Masonry is not a religion.
- How can an Anglican clergyman, who has sworn to accept the Articles of religion, teach such doctrine?
- Does not Scripture advise short prayer rather than long Rosaries?
- There is a Carmelite Convent in my suburb known as the Death Order.
- Protestants often attend Catholic services.
- "Thou shdlt love thy neighbor as thyself"
- Does not the Church ban sex-books which can enlighten one as to the pitfalls of life?
- Why did God delay the sending of His Son with the perfection of the law?
- The money is wrung from the people.
- You, as a Priest, argue to a clock-maker. I, as a rationalist, ask, "Who created your uncreated clock-maker?"
- Can any one Church claim to have all the truth, which has so many angles?
- Would you say that Christ Himself was a Catholic?
- Does not the Catholic Church teach that grace is usually given through the Sacraments?
- Monks and nuns run away from temptation for selfish moral reasons, trying to be good in an easier life.
- Is it not a concession to rationalism to say of every unpalatable Biblical story "I have not got to believe it absolutely"?
- Why pray to Mary at all?
- God is eternally the same. Having once demanded the seventh day of the week, even He could not change it to the first day of the week.
- Why try to convert people to the Catholic Church?
- What do you mean by an indulgence, say, of forty days?
- I have seen young men get into serious trouble through gambling.
- What is the difference between a Catholic and a Roman Catholic?
- There are high walls round this Convent inside which the Nuns are imprisoned.
- 5 Amazing Facts About the Catholic Church
- The Roman Church omits the second commandment, and then breaks up the tenth into two, in order to avoid having only nine.
- It is easy to confess to a fellow man and get forgiveness. But it is not so convenient to remain in humble doubt.
- These seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church are to assist us in the sanctification of our souls, and to prepare us for a happy eternity. But will you maintain that your Catholic dogmas concerning the future state in no way violate reason?
- Can we believe that the devil would promise things to God in order to secure His worship?
- When will Catholics realize that Priests are sinful beings like themselves?
- What do you say of rich men who derive an income which others have to provide, and who do not work?
- If Christianity is the true development of the Jewish religion, why is it not the religion of the Jews today? Why did not the Jews accept Christ?
- I do not mind admitting that the Gospels are historical. But you claim much more than that. You wish us to accept those books as the inspired Word of God. And if we accept the Gospels, we must accept the whole Bible as being the Word of God, for the New Testament quotes the Old Testament again and again as having the authority of God.
- Your hell is full of non-Catholics, who commit grave sin and do not know how to make an act of perfect contrition.
- Is a Catholic employer obliged to show special favor to Catholic employees?
- Why did not God make their will power strong enough to resist the temptation?
- How long will the country be able to stand this vast expenditure?
- You believe that you can accept science without sacrificing the Mosaicaccount of creation?
- But in the end, is not religion a matter of opinion?
- Scripture says, "Let brethren dwell together in unity."
- I trust in Christ and have no need of sacramental rites.
- What proof have you that original sin is inherited?
- Many Popes died violent deaths.
- St. Peter condemns tradition, saying, "You were not redeemed by your vain conversation of the tradition of your fathers." I. Pet. 1., 18.
- The Gospel of Christ is simplicity itself.
- The Bible says that a man must leave father and mother and take a wife. Matt. XIX.9 5.
- Would it not be better for the Church to forbid intoxicants rather than harmless meat?
- The doctrine of the resurrection of the dead denies that the soul is still living.
- By a recent law, made by men in 1908, your Church makes it a sin for a Catholic to marry in a Protestant Church.
- World events and the signs of the times prove that the end of the ages is at hand now in our own days.
- Your preceding replies are based upon a misapprehension. There is no real lack of essential unity in the Christian Churches at all. All together form the one true Church.
- Does Scripture in any way justify such a change as a fact?
- Granted their belief that Christ once ascended that staircase, could they not show their love for Christ in some more practical way?
- State education is just as good as yours.
- You have God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, Mary the Mother of God, Satan the God of Evil, invisible Angels and Saints, etc.
- Would it not be better for thousands of children of physically, mentally, morally, or financially unfit parents never to have been born?
- Is there any truth in the claims of Spiritualism?
- Why does he object to the preaching of Protestantism in Italy?
- Hoiv does it help to know Hebrew or Creek?
- Protestants know that no more is needed than prayer in their own hearts.
- Understanding the Catholic View on Baptism and Salvation for Infants
- How do you prove that the Sacrifice of the Mass is Scriptural?
- Confession is like washing a child and letting it play in the mud again.
- Then Christ’s sacrifice fails because He cannot create in men the will to be saved!
- To prove Davidic descent both Matthew and Luke give the genealogy of Joseph, useless were not Joseph the father of Christ.
- Was not the Babylonian Astarte selected as the goddess prototype of Mary?
- God gave Manna to the Jews in the desert. Those who gathered little had sufficient; those who gathered much had but enough. Was not that socialism?
- You still justify an ecclesiastical Inquisition?
- Tell me plainly. Are the children of a mixed marriage outside the Catholic Church illegitimate?
- Do you say that God makes a man infallible who has to be voted for just like politicians?
- A later infallible Pope condemned Pope Honorius for having taught heresy.
- But our intentions at least are all good. We are all striving for the one end.
- Christ said, "Come to Me all ye who are burdened" But Catholics cannot go directly to Him* They must approach through a complex hierarchy.
- Did not Priests invent Confession in order to obtain the money required for absolution?
- The Bible says, "Believe and be baptized." How can children make an act of faith?
- Look at Catholic countries where Rome has power!
- Where this terrible dogma does not embitter happiness, it destroys character.
- How can you claim the same powers as the Apostles if you cannot heal?
- But the Priest says the Mass in Latin.
- Could not a person keep Sunday holy without going to Mass?
- Upon what grounds does your Church claim infallibility?
- You are violating the text of Scripture. The reference to images is a separate verse.
- I don't agree with foreign missions at all. It is better to leave natives as they are. The missions do more harm than good9 causing physical sufferings and mental distress.
- Even granting freedom, man is not entirely free, but only within certain limits.
- Anyway, there are Protestants as good as Catholics, and the Protestant Church is as good as the Catholic Church.
- Why did scientific study advance so rapidly after the Reformation? Was it not because the Catholic Church forbade it?
- Do Catholics regard state schools as monuments of blind bigotry, thai they won't use them?
- What about Cranmer, Ridley, and Latimer?
- You make Christ cruel.
- What do you mean by hell?
- When will the end of the world come?
- Mass Stipend - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Perhaps I should call them Nunneries rather than Convents.
- I cannot understand how highly intellectual men can accept obvious legends and fairy tales as historical facts without question or doubt !
- Your doctrines seem fair enough, but are they show-case doctrines for the public? In other words, does not your Church allow you to use mental restriction or reservation in your replies over the air?
- But Pope Pius IX. condemned liberty of conscience straight out.
- Confession - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- But Jesus said, "These signs will follow them that believe." He even said that His true followers would do greater things than He.
- Christ intended a Kingdom of Heaven in this world, but you despise it, arraying yourself and rejoicing whilst the world is still in despair and shackles.
- Are not Papal Bulls and indulgences still sold in Spain, and cannot any crime be committed and an indulgence obtained, if sufficient money be forthcoming?
- But the census mentioned by Josephus took place A.D. 6, not at the time of Christ's birth!
- You include marriage among the Sacraments?
- Thanks to Luther, Germany became mighty.
- Do you condemn Protestant ministers for marrying?
- Can any honest man be proud of all this?
- Is the future spiritual world an educational one?
- I do not question traditions contained in Scripture. I object to the Roman traditions which are not in Scripture and which are against Scripture.
- You keep insisting, not only upon tradition, but also upon the teaching authority of your Church. Why follow her interpretations?
- Your argument from justice weakens morality. If there were to be no rectification of things in the next life, all the more reason for men to remedy injustices in this world.
- Let us leave these mysterious inner activities of God, and turn to external creatures. How do you view the theories of creation and evolution?
- Priests adopt their profession for the fat income and consequent luxury.
- If Nuns can leave convents so easily, why all the fuss when Sr. Ligouri ran away from the convent at Wagga, N.S.W.?
- Your pleasant or unpleasant conditions suppose the dogmas of heaven and hell, dogmas which reason cannot accept.
- There are millions belonging to other religions. Are we Christians superior to them?
- I want to know the difference between the English Catholic Church and the Roman Catholic Church?
- Will the Church ever change her teaching on this point?
- Has not the state always had the support of the Church in repressing workers?
- Is not Catholic Church broader in meaning than Roman Catholic Church? Catholic means universal, not Roman Catholic.
- It has no real bearing on morality, and if anything would have a bad influence, making men cowards.
- I still maintain that you cannot be loyal. By law the king is head of the Anglican Church, a law you must ignore.
- Are not relics received and venerated without a particle of proof that they are genuine?
- What if he really believes Protestantism to be a more modern, helpful, and feeling religion?
- Such a doctrine is against the weight of enlightened reason.
- But even granted no real inconsistency in the numbers, there seems to be a great inconsistency as regards the names. Also, how could Jacob be the father of Joseph, as St. Matt. says; yet Heli be his father, according to St. Luke's account?
- Then, as a rule, will they not elect an Italian Pope?
- At least, being all-powerful, just, and loving, He ought to give everyone a fair chance of obtaining the good things of this world.
- Christ died to save men, not from the devil, but from earthly masters; and your Church claims to have His mission.
- You say that the Pope is not swayed hy national considerations. In a war between Italy and England, would not his sympathies be with Italy?
- They think we are wrong as we think they are. May not Christianity be wrong, and some other religion right?
- I heard a Protestant clergyman say that the miseries of the world were an indictment of all Churches, including the Roman Catholic, for their lack of influence.
- All the same the one who goes to Mass is no better in God's sight than the one who does not.
- Do you maintain that one is obliged to join your infallible, one, holy, catholic, apostolic, end indefectible Church, if he wishes to be saved?
- Is the practice of religion necessary?
- Catholics speak of the Mass as if it meant the real death of Christ, and calculate its mathematical value!
- Any man who can think has the moral right to interpret anything.
- Does not Scripture say, "Of Him, and through Him, and in Him are all things"?
- Why the proud display of processions such as those of Eucharistic Congresses?
- No Priest can make water holy.
- Satan is a mythical being.
- Where did Christ tell us to shut ourselves away in monasteries or convents?
- Anyway they seem quite content to be Masons.
- Is the Book of Genesis to be taken literally or allegorically?
- Christ was above sectarianism.
- Why does the Catholic Church favor only the Labor Party?
- I have seen Catholics on their knees adoring and praying to statues in their Churches.
- Christ forbade any attempt to exercise authority when He said, "Do not lord it over others as do the Gentiles." Matt. XX., 25.
- Do you approve the proclamation of religious liberty in Spain?
- The Didache proves nothing.
- "Forbidding to marry," is given as one of the signs of false Churches.
- Did not Clement XIV. suppress the Jesuits because he was so shocked by their crimes, and die shortly afterwards from poison?
- Why is Southern Ireland so poor? Is it for want of ability, or is it because the Catholic Church has bled the people of all their money? What a contrast with the North of Ireland!
- Why does not your Church condemn gambling and lotteries as sinful and immoral?
- Immortality teas unknown to the Jews, and was rejected by the Sadducees because it was not in the Pentateuch.
- Why call Mary a virgin, seeing that she was a mother. The linking of the two terms is an insult to reason.
- Giordano Bruno was burned for saying that the earth moved round the sun. He died in 1600.
- Did not Pope Gregory VII originate it in the 11th century?
- Let me have you bitten by a poisonous serpent, and if nothing happens to you, I will believe!
- Where are a man's ideals who cannot do right for right's sake, but needs a heavenly policeman to keep him straight?
- Why does the Church denounce the abuses of capitalism, instead of denouncing the whole existing system as evil, and as existing only for profit and not for use. The Church ought to say, "Away with capitalized industry."
- Yet has not the Church changed quite a lot of her dogmatic teaching in deference to modern thought?
- The Church became corrupt and lost the power of healing.
- But why keep insisting that the Catholic Church is the only Church?
- Was the sin of our first parents the eating of an apple, or the committing of adultery?
- Did He not say to her at the marriage feast of Cana, "Woman, what is that to thee and to me?
- The idea of atonement by human sacrifice fills me with horror, and must be abhorrent to a good and merciful God.
- Many things show the utter futility of your infallible Pope's blessings. Sixtus V. blessed the Armada9 yet it was destroyed as much by the wrath of Heaven as by the English leaders.
- Why do you omit from that Our Father the words "For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever."
- I believe that the early Christians imported their notions of Mary and her miraculous son Jesus from the Egyptian his, virgin-mother of Horus.
- I object to the permission of mental restriction under any circumstances, since withholding part of the truth misleads the listener just as if the speaker had lied.
- Bui history shows thai the Roman Church has been a hot-bed of vice, murder, trickery, violence and oppression.
- If a Protestant marries a Catholic will the Catholic Church recognise that marriage at all?
- Are not Anglo-Catholics passing slowly to Catholic ways?
- Would you question his honesty of purpose?
- Why does the Catholic Church defend the capitalist and attack the worker?
- Are Protestants free to leave the Protestant Church, yet Catholics not free to leave the Catholic Church?
- Christ did not intend His religion for you. He intended it for the Jews only.
- But you cannot deny that the Church exerts political influence, in the face of all the political diplomats at the Vatican.
- If I sincerely believe that there is no God, and there be a God, would not invincible ignorance save me?
- The Church of England is Catholic because she is sending missionaries throughout the whole world as far as possible.
- Do these doctrines of moral obligation, sanctions, and a future life imply the freedom of man's will?
- I call myself religious, follow truth wherever it leads, and am not afraid of gods, devils, or clergymen. Is that sin?
- If you are a Christian Priest, who told you to drop healing?
- If Christ were God, He could not be guilty of an unjust action. Yet when casting devils out of a possessed man, He accepted their suggestion that they should destroy swine which were the property of an innocent man.
- Then why, by broadcasting, try to destroy the faith of Protestants here? Is it wrong for Protestants there, but right for Catholics here where they are only a small percentage of the population?
- I am interested in your moral theology concerning those who contract marriage. Why does the Catholic Church forbid mixed marriages?
- Christ chose poor fishermen, not learned men.
- Who gives the Pope his jurisdiction, if he is elected by men and not by God?
- Whatever may be said of rich individuals, the extreme wealth of your Church is a scandal, with millions crying out for bodily and spiritual help.
- What will the body be like?
- If all this be so, why does not the Church protest against that ingenious attack on wages, "work for the dole"?
- Will the Church be able to sustain this cunning censorship in perpetuity?
- If Mary was sinless, she could not have needed redemption! Yet is not Christ the Redeemer of every child of Adam?
- Is your desire of hell for your fellow men due to your humanitarian sentiment or to the effete doctrine of your infallible Church?
- What right has the Catholic Church to arrogate to herself powers given by Christ, rather than any other body of believers?
- Still you are subject to Rome, yet content to remain under the protection of the British flag?
- If a man really did the good works you ascribe to Christ he would be popular. Yet the Jews crucified him.
- If the word Roman identifies your Church as the only Catholic Church, where do the other Churches come in?
- The real reason is because the Church is afraid that Catholics will find out the truth.
- Why is there such enmity between the Churches?
- God did this to enable Joshua to kill a few more innocent people fighting for their homes and families!
- Lutlier believed that he is happy whose conscience alloweth the thing that he doth.
- Did not Christ blame the Pharisees, saying, "Why do you transgress the commandment of God for your tradition"? Matt. XV., 3.
- Spirits have told Spiritualists that we shall not see God face to face, and that we shall have only natural happiness in Heaven. Is there any truth in this?
- Fasting from Meat - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- You sanction the great shame of almsgiving.
- Christ said, "Suffer little children to come to Me . . . for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." He does not mention that they should be baptized.
- Why did the Church condemn Galileo? Were not the Cardinals wrong?
- Does he not say, "He returneth to earth, and in that day all his thoughts perish"? Ps. 146, 4.
- If God makes the Pope infallible, why does he need theologians to go into questions first and arrange what he is to define?
- Early Christianity boasted many miracles; Christianity can boast none today!
- You constantly speak of some kind of a relationship between God and man.
- Why can't they travel without a companion, even when visiting their own homes?
- Holy Trinity - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Did not the Pope give Napoleon a divorce?
- Our Protestant ministers forbid sport on Sunday.
- You could not say the things in other countries that you say in this!
- Has not the Catholic Church withheld the light of knowledge from the worker?
- God has given us brains to think for ourselves. We do not need Help to understand Scripture.
- You seem afraid that Catholics will be harmed by the reading of Scripture.
- Did the soul exist before conception?
- Why did not Christ say that St. Peter was the greater, taking advanage of this occasion?
- From offerings for Masses in England about a quarter of a million is raked in yearly.
- Should not the government at least confiscate all gifts and ornaments and distribute their value to the poor?
- Could not God at least have made life much easier, instead of making everything hard?
- Is Christ's body anatomically and physiologically present?
- In practice did He not live poorly, aiming at having no means of support?
- Did not the Catholic Church bum all Bibles, and punish those who had copies?
- If you do not fear rationalism, why do you forbid Catholics to read rationalistic writings?
- So purgatory has been able to extort millions!
- We are all going to the same place, and there will be no distinction there.
- When did the Catholic Church first endorse the holding of private property?
- Is it, then, God's will that people should suffer from such terrible diseases as Cancer or Consumption?
- Why the ceremonial kissing of the Pope's ring, risking infection?
- What is this evidence for God's existence, apart from the Bible?
- How does the Church know that those she calls Saints are in heaven?
- Yet did not James preside at the Council of Jerusalem, although Peter was present?
- The Catholic attitude to drink shakes my faith in Christianity.
- I deny that Masonry is opposed to the Catholic Church.
- No one would guess from the lives of bad Catholics that their Church was infallible.
- Celibacy denies life to millions. Is not that birth-control?
- There is good and bad in all the churches.
- Yet Priests accept offerings for Masses under false pretenses.
- Why is birth-control wrong?
- Are Catholics told in the confessional how to vote on political questions?
- Consecrated Bread and Wine - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Was not the title of Universal Bishop much sought after, the Bishop of Rome winning it because he had the largest number of adherents?
- Do you maintain that Job really existed?
- St. Paul says that One died for all, and therefore all were dead. II.Cor. V., 14.
- Our Protestant ministers do not pretend to be better than other men—they marry. Is not this more honest?
- I don't blame Catholics for voluntarily abstaining from meat on Fridays, but to do so because ordered to do so is making a virtue of necessity.
- Cardinal Gibbons says that your Church can function under any form of government. Is that correct?
- Why are not Catholics taught good living, instead of going to Mass and giving money?
- Christ is said to have saved us. What does being saved mean?
- If God did not give me sufficient intelligence to be able to believe, surely no blame attaches to me?
- It is all a matter of viewpoint. In my opinion your viewpoint is utterly wrong, and the foundations of your Church worm-eaten.
- Old Testament teaching is barbaric in parts; not in keeping with the New Testament; nor would God inspire such a record of outrageous crimes.
- Why did the Church withhold that honor from Mary for so long a time?
- Masons have many charitable institutions.
- Even though the Church forbids it, I know a Catholic who does confess and sin again.
- Did the Anglican Church have anything to do with the Diet of Spires?
- God blessed Jacob, who robbed his brother Esau, and lied to his father.
- If one has to be a Catholic to get to Heaven I shall be glad to Hay outside.
- If you became an Atheist would you still say that, if the New Testament were true, the words cannot mean anything else except the Catholic interpretation?
- Considering that Christ preferred to die amongst thieves, what would He say of the rich today?
- What is Confirmation?
- What is the use of educating children at all, when the Church does nothing to remedy the evil conditions of the society in which they must live?
- Where is the Divine Wisdom in decreeing that Christ should be descended from three women of Ill-fame, Rahab, Thamar, and Bathsheba?
- Why was St. John so obscure? Was it merely to give us a conundrum?
- What justification has vicarious punishment?
- Why come between two lovers? God says love one another as I have loved you.
- Are there any signs in the Host proving that He is bodily present?
- What is the Sacrament of Extreme Unction?
- Why not be charitable and admit that the Salvation Army with their good works are God's people?
- Satan wagers with God that he can make Job curse his Maker!
- The Blessed Eucharist and the Mass - Primer Catechism
- To my mind the whole of Christianity is like a wheel. Christ is the centre, whilst the various churches are the spokes.
- I was baptized in the Church of England. What is the religion of my Baptism?
- 1 know of one Catholic woman who defied the doctor* She said she would rather die keeping God's law than live breaking it. She died, leaving five little children to be looked after by strangers.
- Have not the disciples of Jesus, even outside the Catholic Church, power and authority given them by the Holy Spirit?
- You keep speaking of miracles. Jesus never claimed that His so-called miracles were really such. He relied on mental healing by natural powers.
- The idea of a sanction proportioned to the individual's sense of moral obligation has much less influence upon men than you religious people think.
- The injustices of this life demand another life, but I believe in reincarnation.
- Could you give me six short reasons why you left Anglicanism?
- Well, I believe in God, but practice no religion.
- Why must the Protestant promise that all children icill be Catholics?
- Do not Priests use the confessional to obtain all domestic and state secrets?
- Your unchanging dogmas are an insult to man\'s evolving intelligence!
- But no one has ever returned from the dead!
- Would you say that the world has benefited by Christianity?
- Has every one a good angel to defend and protect him?
- Treachery to man! Are you pleased to know that there is a hell?
- Sin - Primer Catechism
- The commandments do not require such alteration.
- How can you deny the Orders of Anglican Bishops? They go back to the Bishops of the Reformation period.
- You speak of faith. But faith is an emotion, an involuntary action of the senses.
- But the great objection to your Church remains, in that it divides a man's loyalty from his country.
- Would the soul of a mother be unhappy in heaven if she saw her child in suffering and sorrow upon earth?
- Is it in accordance with the spirit of Christ to spend a million dollars on a Cathedral?
- Why does the Catholic Church favor only the Labor Party?
- Good Works - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- St. Bonaventure said, "Into thy hands, 0 Lady, I commend my spirit." Thus he served the creature more than the Creator, to whom alone all such words should be addressed.
- Even Catholic Bishops drink!
- Mary is no different from your own mother.
- If a plenary indulgence be applied to a certain soul in purgatory there would be no more need to pray for that soul.
- I don't see that a man should kneel and pray to anyone.
- Why were not such marvelous events as Christ’s death amidst preternatural darkness and earthquakes, and His resurrection recorded by the Roman historians of the day?
- Nuns are martyrs to a cruel system.
- If a civil judge gave an unjust verdict because of a bribe, would you deny that the judiciary was part of the legal system?
- Is any person so bad as to deserve eternal punishment?
- The fact remains that the Catholic Church derives millions from Messes, as Joseph McCabe points out.
- Why are Catholics forbidden to be Masons?
- I find the Catholic assumption of infallibility simply appalling!
- It is impossible to live up to the standard set by the Catholic Church.
- Sacraments - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- During all the centuries only one Englishman has been considered as "best fitted." Is not that a reflection on the learning and ability of our nation?
- Would one who employs such contractor be guilty also if he knew that he resorted to such practices?
- Bible Reading - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- The Duke became a Catholic and promptly secured an annulment.
- If Christ were aware of His Divinity, why did He begin His ministry with doubt and temptation?
- What do you mean by servile work?
- Modern progressive scientific theology has no time for hell.
- Should not Priests have the power to heal as well as to forgive sin?
- How to find the Rosary in the Bible
- Both in practice and in teaching Christ condemned wealth.
- But the Bible does not mention purgatory.
- Why are Catholic countries always revolutionary?
- I have no religion and am well off; the poor wretches who practice religion do not seem to gain much by it.
- Between each Our Father to God, it throws in ten prayers to Mary!
- Did not Christ Himself believe that the end of the world was at hand? I refer you to Lk. iX. 27.
- If was the Catholic Church which early departed from the doctrines of Christ, and thus forfeited the claim to be the true Church.
- We are material beings, and cannot believe in spiritual things which our minds cannot conceive.
- How can the Catholic Church hope to win the confidence and respect of non-Catholics?
- But by the mere fact of accepting the teachings of the Church, Catholics are accepting other men's reasonings.
- We rationalists can never become Catholics.
- What becomes of God when you think of the misery and starvation in the world?
- The Sacraments: Baptism - Primer Catechism
- 1 have seen more idols in Catholic Churches than sincere Christians.
- All the same, your claims are insulting to Protestants, and they are human beings just as Catholics.
- The Bible tells us to prove all things. I. Thess. V., 21. The Catholic Church demands that her adherents prove nothing, accepting all on her authority, and without question.
- Your doctrine of immortality supposes consciousness after death. I do not believe it, otherwise the soul would be conscious under chloroform, or when the body is knocked senseless in an accident.
- Is Confirmation absolutely necessary for salvation?
- Our minister told us that evil spirits are not persons, but evil thoughts, and that when Christ spoke of Satan falling like lightning from heaven (Lk. X., 18) He really saw a falling star, but lacked our present knowledge of astronomy.
- If you do not hate Masons, you at least hate Catholics who become Masons.
- If you are not satisfied with the king, why accept him as your protector? Why not get out? Why continue to accept his hospitality?
- If a Catholic leaves his Church, and outside that Church lives a good and devout life, could he be saved?
- Whence do you get the name Roman Catholic?
- I myself refuse to accept anything which will not stand the acid test of reason. Faith may be a virtue, but it is no use burying one’s head in the sand !
- Catholics cannot attend a Protestant Church. How can the Protestant marry in the Catholic Church?
- Are not Protestants good and sincere people?
- Do you know of any good in Luther?
- Is the story of creation, and of Adam and Eve true despite Evolution?
- To keep a day holy means to keep it pious, godly, and sacred.
- We Masons believe in God.
- But if all this he so, why did Paul boast that he resisted Peter to the face?
- What of the thief who is not discovered by the police?
- Did not Luther give ninety reasons for leaving the Catholic Church?
- What of Christian Science?
- It is more comforting to think that those who persisted in sin are not conscious.
- Has the Catholic Church ever been in communication with spirit beings from the next world?
- Tell us plainly. Do you put Church first and country second?
- Holy Communion - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- England I could still be Catholic had not men taken to thinking.
- I know of hundreds of Catholics who have joined the Masons, despite the prohibition of the Church.
- According to you, Christ was a Catholic. All followers of Christ, therefore, belong to the Catholic Church.
- Cannot men persuade themselves to accept any so-called truth in matters of religion?
- You claim, of course, that the Pope is supreme head of this organised hierarchy. Yet urns it not the Emperor Phocas who first gave the Pope his title and universal jurisdiction? History records this as having happened in 607 A.D.
- Christ was buried on Friday and rose on Sunday. Where are the three days and three nights?
- Why does your Church oppose prohibition?
- God and Creation - Primer Catechism
- Why do you hate everything English?
- If Catholicism is true, why are the most backward countries Catholic, and the most enlightened and progressive countries Protestant?
- Priestly Marriage - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- How could Augustus order a census of the "whole world" at that time?
- The law will not prevent mixed marriages. They will always be.
- Our Lord and Redeemer - Primer Catechism
- Your law imposes a great hardship upon the innocent party.
- Have not older religions spoken of gods with sons on earth?
- If the Popes are infallible, the laws of earlier Popes must be those of later Popes—yet the laws of the Catholic Church have varied.
- Is the devil a supernatural being?
- But the history of your Church is one of excessive torture^ unparalleled cruelty and injustice.
- That Ark surely is a fable or symbol. Even on the measurements given it could never have contained all said to be in it.
- If Christianity taught people to be so good, why did the early Christians meet with nothing but persecution?
- If a man changes from Protestantism to Catholicism, does he not do so by his own judgment?
- It is a sad fact that Enclosed Orders never let the Nuns out, or allow them to have contact ivith the outside world.
- When did Christ institute such a Sacrament?
- Does your Pope perform miracles as did St. Peter?
- What evidence have you that such a hell exists?
- Since Christ forbade divisions in the Church, you must admit that every Christian Church is a branch of the true Church. The Protestant Churches are but offshoots from the Roman Catholic Church.
- Why is it praiseworthy if practiced by God?
- How do Priests know when a soul escapes from purgatory?
- Mention one industrial dispute in which the workers have received the support of the Church in their struggle for decent conditions.
- God commanded all men to marry when He said "Increase and multiply."
- Why must the promise be made in writing? Surely you can take a man's word for it!
- The doctrines of the Immaculate Conception and the Infallibility of the Pope were not believed before 1854 and 1870 respectively, yet had to be believed after those dates.
- I have heard it said that St. Peter never was in Rome.
- When did the Catholic Church invent holy water?
- I pray that you may see the futility of praying to Saints who can do nothing for you. Christ is the only mediator.
- To whom am I indebted for my English Bible?
- Why don't you condemn all rich men as criminals?
- Does not the Bull Ad Extirpanda claim the right to force the Catholic Church upon unwilling men?
- Do you say that the Protestant faith is false?
- By locking up Nuns you stand for a system that makes prisoners of our womanhood.
- "Catch them young and hold them tight" is the world wide motto of the Catholic Church.
- Why did God perform incomprehensible miracles for the Jews, before the period known as historical?
- Catholics raise their hats when passing a Church; why not when passing statues in a Catholic shop window?
- When Christ comes again, will He not teach and rule us?
- You must do to others as you would have them do to you.
- Is your Church afraid that people will form opinions for themselves?
- Why do you hate Masons?
- How can you reconcile the Inquisition with the fact that God is love?
- You must convince me that she gave false evidence in her book.
- Is not the Index an effort to suppress the truth?
- The Anglican Church has retained Bishops.
- Since Protestants can be saved9 and it is ever so much easier to be aProtestant, where is the advantage in being a Catholic?
- Was the Diet of Spires held under Catholic or Protestant auspices?
- // it is right for one set of ministers to be celibate^ it must be wrong for others not to be celibate.
- Do not the lessons of earthquakes and similar disasters prove such belief in guardian angels to be humbug?
- But in IX., 5, we read, "The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward, for the memory of them is forgotten."
- I believe that all men will get a second chance. Christ said, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." At some future time on earth there will be a kingdom in which God's will must prevail.
- The Catholic Church controls Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Mexico, etc. I hope it never gains political control here in America!
- But apart from the time required, science contradicts the very sequence of events as given by Moses.
- Where is heaven?
- Why do Catholic Churches ring bells at daybreak, noon, and sun set.
- It is strange that two highly intellectual men should be affected so differently, you being attracted to join the Catholic Church, McCabe impelled to leave it.
- According to your doctrine polygamy would be wrong. But the Bible permitted it.
- What becomes of the money paid by Catholic children in school-fees? Do not the Brothers and Nuns work for nothing?
- The evidence of St. Paul is merely hearsay.
- Antiquarians say that there never was a census of the Roman Empire.
- If a soul is the difference between a living being and a corpse, then an animal, or even a vegetable, must have a soul.
- Why make people afraid of such a horrible place as purgatory, when you know that it does not exist?
- What if a doctor, a reliable doctor, says that death will result absolutely from any further conception?
- Jesus gave Himself under the forms of bread and wine. You are not justified in withholding the cup from the laity.
- Do Priests themselves go to Confession?
- Mexico had the free scope of the Catholic Church and her people are illiterate.
- On entering a Catholic Church I noticed people taking holy water Why is this?
- What is a man?
- Once a Mason, always a Mason!
- Were all the conditions of a sacrifice verified in the Last Supper? And are they still verified in the Mass?
- You appeal to the Aramaic. I know nothing of that, nor of the Latin, nor of the Greek. I accept the Bible in its English form, in which the two words are Peter and rock, and nothing whatever alike.
- Why pray to Saints? Is it not better to pray to God direct?
- Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, refused the title of universal Bishop himself, and blamed John the Faster of Constantinople for his presumption in claiming such a title!
- It is always the same. Miracles happened last week, last century; they will happen some day in the future. They never happen today.
- So I deserve Hell because I am a non-Catholic?
- Christ gave us the religion we need, and we need a religion of healing.
- Does contraception prevent souls from existing which God intended to be born?
- Are there not Oriental Churches united to the Catholic Church, yet without the law of celibacy?
- Authority bears no relation to truth.
- Are the souls of animals also immortal?
- Do you maintain that mistakes and interpolations by copyists were not possible in transcriptions of the Bible?
- Christ Himself teas not baptized in His infancy, but as an adult.
- How is it possible to believe all the religions that claim to be true?
- I object to the way you put human traditions on the same level as Scripture.
- Is the Bible really the Word of God? How Does It Compare to Other Religious Texts?
- I allude to the fact that the Roman Church has ever striven for and possessed temporal power.
- This dogma of purgatory was invented by Pope Gregory in 600 A.D., and was made an article of faith by the Council of Florence in 1439.
- They will never again look upon their loved ones, but die and he buried!
- Where is there a warrant for the convent system outside your Catholic traditions?
- The Bishops of the Catholic Church have never produced an atom, yet go globe-trotting whilst other people starve.
- Is it a sin for a Catholic to attend weddings in Protestant churches?
- Is there any virtue in taking strong drink?
- Your dogmas must cramp the free play of a man’s intelligence.
- It is unscriptural to attribute power to Mary.
- Prove to me that man is endowed with freewill.
- I am a mechanic, you a theologian. There are no mysterious happenings in my trade. I want facts, not phantoms.
- Have not the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church admitted our Orders?
- Give me one instance where any Apostle ever forgave sin.
- Can the Pope send people to hell by excommunication?
- You seem blind to the practical reasons against the Catholic doctrine.
- Christ drove the gamblers from the Temple.
- When were beads invented, and what do they symbolize?
- Everybody is after riches, including religious teachers.
- At least St. Luke says that Cyrinus, governor of Syria, published the decree of enrollment. But Quintilius Varus was governor at the time of Christ's birth.
- My children go to state schools on weekdays and get their religion at Sunday schools on Sundays. And they are a credit to me.
- How can Priests advise as to the duties of the married state when they have no practical experience of it?
- If we are judged individually at death, why are we all to be judged again at the last day? God must already know.
- The Catholic Church preaches democracy. How many non-Italians become Pope?
- You admit the failure of capitalism, yet deny the right to an earnest body of men to confiscate private property and usher in an era of happiness to mankind.
- What positive proof have you that the Catholic Church is the only true Church?
- I not only believe in God. I lead a clean life. Is not that enough?
- I cannot adopt any definite profession of faith because the heads of all the different Churches disagree.
- Christ said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar9* and to God the things that are God's"
- What help does the Church give a man to practice self-control?
- If religion is such a wonderful thing, even though it does not advance a man's temporal welfare, it should make him better. But it does not. No one honestly believes that a religious man is less likely to embezzle or be brutal than a non-religious man.
- I have heard you give the conditions which Catholic workers must observe before they go on strike. Your conditions render any strike sinful. But will you give us the conditions Catholic employers must observe before they decide on a lock-out?
- Your harnessing purgatory to the idea of offering to God is most ingenious. So the Church is equal to God?
- Do you deny that we Protestants are assured of salvation by our belief on Christ?
- We Anglicans strongly claim to be part of the Catholic Church.
- It would be condemned by civilized humanity.
- You damn people whose wills are so weak that they cannot avoid sin!
- If Christ be the Son of God, there must have been a time when Be did not exist, for no son can be as old as his father.
- I have tried prayer and self-denial and have found them wanting.
- St. Paul says that a Bishop must be the husband of one wife. 1Tim. III., 2.
- What good can result to the people if they cannot know what the Priest is asking in their name?
- After being refused a divorce by the civil courts did not the Duke of Marlborough secure one from the Pope?
- Do you honestly give your own opinion, or the opinion of your Church?
- Will present scientific knowledge let us admit that the sun stood still for Joshua?
- Is it not a fact that the Catholic Church teaches the workers to submit to mammon?
- It is a source of revenue which no Priest dare fail to utilize. The selling of Masses must be most profitable.
- Why could not the Catholic Church keep a man like Joseph McCabef
- You suppose that He has made definite claims.
- Restricting the question to man, what does Catholic dogma say concerning his evolution?
- You spoke of the soul as being immortal?
- You speak of mistranslations. Do you accuse the Protestant translators of grossly infamous conduct in tampering with the text?
- What of Protestantism?
- God treated the Jews unfairly. It must have been difficult to comprehend the teachings of Christ, and He offered them no material benefits
- Why do they lose their hair and wear such ugly dress?
- I don’t object to that kind of veneration. I object to the expecting of favors through relics.
- How can we know of convent scandals when they are closed to public inspection? We must believe the accounts given by Maria Monk and others until we see otherwise.
- If all that you say is true, why is the British Empire Protestant?
- Attending a Catholic Church one evening I was disgusted by the rigmarole called the Rosary. What is that Rosary?
- Yet surely the only thing wrong is to do wrong.
- But the moral theology of your Church is so dreadfully intolerant. If I follow apathetically the laws of that Church I might as well never have been endowed with freewill.
- Understanding Cain's Marriage in the Context of Genesis
- Read the Bible, and you will soon admit that God could not possibly be the author of such a book.
- Do you deny that indulgences were sold in the middle ages?
- What do the three threes, and the nine bells signify?
- Who is likely to be right, the unmarried man who views things through the distorting spectacles of his Church, or the reasonable man who loves truth for its own sake?
- The denominations are necessary to save us from the dictation of priests.
- The dreadful vows have warped their minds and made them love darkness rather than light.
- Let us turn to the priesthood of the Catholic Church. Is not oil priestcraft the product of man's fear?
- You say that Masonry is condemned as being a secret society.
- Can the child of a mixed marriage outside the Church go to heaven?
- Difficult Bible Verses for Protestants
- Does not Christianity today differ vastly from the religion Christ preached?
- So the Church, which says that "strikes are forbidden," offers us only that slow and uncertain remedy.
- The world cannot look after its present inhabitants. What is to happen when the earth is over-populated?
- What about the revelations of Mrs. Shepherd?
- Is Christ's body subject to processes of digestion?
- All the same Catholicism keeps the people poor, for Father Martindale bewailed the fact that the Catholic religion is looked upon as the religion of the kitchen.
- Why does not the Pope define the facts about evolution?
- Would a contractor fail in justice twoards his employees if he secretly induced them to accept less than award wages on the score that many unemployed would accept the job?
- Do they stay because they love the life, or because they fear the anathemas of the Church?
- Was not Luther a brave man to follow his convictions despite the opposition of the Catholic Church?
- If Protestantism continues because Protestants do not think, is not the same true of Catholicism?
- Is it not a short-sighted policy, since God hears hearts rather than words?
- Would you explain more fully this Baptism of desire?
- If God is the Author of the Bible, why did He select words with several meanings, knowing this would ultimately cause confusion and scepticism?
- But if everything is clean and upright, why not throw them open to the public?
- What is your opinion of rationalism?
- Priests themselves are not holy. I knew a very bad Priest.
- Can you imagine a good God creating a devil?
- Were not the Jesuits the very embodiment of the intolerant moral theology of the Catholic Church?
- Still you are subject to Rome, yet content to remain under the protection of the British flag?
- It is intelligible that the whole Church would be preserved from error; but you go further, and claim that the Pope is personally infallible.
- Penance and Confession - Primer Catechism
- Deut. XIII. says that a husband should stone his own wife to death if she try to persuade him to join her in idolatry. "Well now," says Ingersoll, "I hate a god of that kind, and I would not do it." Did God make a mistake, or is Deut. wrong?
- We Anglicans have the same Apostles' Creed as you Catholics.
- You say that many scholars thus reply. Do you suggest that others propose a more satisfactory explanation?
- Where does the Bible forbid mixed marriages?
- The Roman Church is built upon one interpretation of Scripture, the Anglican Church upon another. The latter may be as equally right as the former, for all we know.
- God sends all for our good, and it is our fault if we do not make good use of Protestantism.
- Do we not read only of adult baptisms in the New Testament?
- Then Catholics hare to believe just tchaf the Priest Ufees to tell them?
- God loves you more than Mary loves you.
- Ingersoll says that the moment we admit that a book is too sacred to be doubted, we are mental serfs.
- Is it not likely that the worship of the sun-gods and earth-gods was replaced by the milder form of the sacrifice of Christ-god, and that Christianity will also yield place to a more ethical system?
- We Protestants say, "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church," when we recite the Creed.
- The Church means an assembly of men united in prayer, not a building.
- Tradition - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Captalists eat bread in the sweat of the workers' brows. What has your Church to say for the workers?
- The genealogies of Christ as given by the Gospel afford one much difficulty. If Jesus was not the son of Joseph, why is His genealogy traced through Joseph?
- Why do Priests vest so elaborately when going to say Mass?
- It tempts one to give up the Church.
- Nevertheless, religion degrades man, giving a God-complex or an inferiority complex, with a subconscious reference to a supernatural authority in all actions.
- Does the Catholic Church recognise the Greek Orthodox Church as part of itself?
- Does drink enter Catholic presbyteries?
- Aquinas compares Adam's wisdom with that of Solomon, whilst anthropology shows that the first type of man was dimwitted and of small brain development.
- How could the devil carry off God and set Him on a hill in Galilee from which he could see all the kingdoms of the earth?
- Does not the Church oppose Cremation because she knows that it renders any idea of a resurrection impossible?
- Are Priests different from other men?
- What do you mean by original sin?
- In any case you have to admit that Protestants have more love for Scripture than Catholics. We owe the re-discovery of the Bible chiefly to the early Protestants.
- Are not your priests a great army of drones who neither toil, nor spin?
- The constitution was changed by that very Augustine. The Church in England before him was not in communion with Rome.
- Where are the original records?
- Does the Catholic Church make light of drunkenness. Isn't it sin ful to cause blind misery and poverty in the home?
- How did the idea that Christ was the Messiah get abroad? Who first knew it and taught it?
- But does not your allegiance to the Pope conflict with your duty as a British subject? Remember that your Church is controlled by a foreign temporal king.
- Don't Priests visit the bereaved and tell them that so many dollars are required per week for Masses?
- The Nuns are kept behind menacing iron grilles even when talking to visitors.
- I admit your tests of a Church founded by Christ, continuously existing, united, universal, and authoritative. But I cannot admit the machine made organization with its hard and fast rules, which you call the Catholic Church, to be that Church.
- These mysteries make me feel that there is nothing authentic about religion.
- Was not this doctrine invented in 1870?
- You are deceiving us. That is not what Catholics are taught. I have a Catholic Catechism which gives the first commandment as, "I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt not have strange gods before me." You cut out the reference to images.
- I cannot believe that the Church was founded upon Peter, If was built upon Christ, who is the true foundation stone.
- What form will that practical acknowledgment take?
- God sent the flood to wipe out sin. But in vain. Sin began again. Did God make a mistake, or is it all a fable?
- Had Christendom remained Catholic, could we have broadcasted Protestantism?
- Could the Pope, besides giving a dispensation for a mixed marriage, dispense from the obligation of bringing up the children as Catholics?
- Among other mysterious things, belief in the Bible demands a belief in miracles.
- Where is freedom in this?
- Do we not read that the early Christians searched the Scriptures daily? Act. XVIL, 11.
- Do you maintain that there is a real fire in hell?
- So the Catholic Church cannot claim to be the only missionary force?
- Martin Luther, the good man who started Protestantism, left the abominations of the monastery. He teas an ex-Monk.
- Do you think that your old-fashioned dogmas have any appeal?
- Could he not pray and read his Bible all day?
- Where does God forbid it?
- Is the devil responsible for all sin?
- You have distinguished between the body and the soul of man, the soul being a spirit. Yet how can a man belong to the material and the spiritual worlds at once? They exclude each other.
- You say that man fell. Evolution says that man did not fall, but that he has experienced a steady rise from brutality.
- Gambling and lotteries are the seeking of personal gain through another's loss, giving that other no adequate return, and adding nothing to the sum of the common wealth.
- After Mass, Priests even organise picnics and outings.
- I admit that it is impossible to maintain that all the churches are really united into one Church; but I deny that lack of unity really matters. After all, go into any Christian church, and you will hear Christ preached, and the Word of God spoken.
- We Protestants know that the Bible is inspired without having to accept the authority of the Catholic Church. We feel that it is the Word of God, and know from the lofty doctrines it contains.
- Are not Nuns married to Priests?
- Why don't Priests pray for the souls of the poor without payment of money which only the rich can afford?
- What is wrong with confessing our sins directly to God in prayer?
- Whence came the ancient ideas of mothers and savior-sons reconciling us with God?
- I am interested in Catholic worship. Christ was poor and humble. Yet Catholic ceremonial is full of pomp and display. Does your religion teach humility?
- At any rate, has not the soul of a rich man a better chance than the soul of a poor man?
- What does the term Holy Ghost mean?
- The Catholic Church controls Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Mexico, etc. I hope it never gains political control here in America!
- Where is hell?
- I know of many who have left the Church because Priests have used the pulpit for political ends.
- What can one do if the husband is absolutely impossible to live with, or is guilty of adultery?
- When will they see the folly of confessing to such men?
- Is your own personal conviction such that you will want others to pray for you?
- Do you deny that your Church has been responsible for monstrous cruelties?
- You cannot face life unaided, and reliance on God saps self-reliance and initiative, and must develop the weakling.
- Why such lack of respect for the non-Catholic and the guests?
- Would you tell us the view your Church takes of socialism?
- The workers of the world do not admit that large edifices and tracts of land are necessary to do the Lord's work.
- David asks, "What man shall deliver his soul from the grave?" Ps.89, 48.
- According to Catholic doctrine the Sacrament of Baptism destroys original sin. Would you say that Mary did not need Baptism?
- Do not employers take advantage of this fear of the worker?
- Why did not God preserve the originals by a miracle?
- The Irish do not welcome converts.
- We have only the word of the Priest for the fact.
- Would the Catholic Church recognize a marriage between a Catholic and a Protestant in a Registry Office?
- They are ordinary men, and as such cannot resist their natural inclinations.
- Papal Infallibility - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Protestant Reformation - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Do Catholics take an oath never to buy from a Protestant what they can purchase from a fellow Catholic?
- In all these replies to difficulties you are postulating free will, the sinful state of man, redemption by Christ, grace, and the eternal destiny of man!
- Who is Satan?
- Has not the Catholic Church added dogma after dogma, of which the early Christians knew nothing?
- But life seems to be becoming harder and more painful.
- I know of many who have left the Church because Priests have used the pulpit for political ends.
- The very name of my Church is the "Catholic Apostolic Church."
- Anyway you allow misguided women to live unnatural lives away from the sunshine and from good men who would bestow upon them their love.
- Are Catholics forbidden to belong to all secret societies, or only to Masonry?
- Priests have rendered dying people unhappy with their insistent demands that they should receive the last Sacraments.
- We Protestants look upon the King, not as head of the Anglican Church, but as the representative of the British Empire.
- You say that the Pope is not swayed hy national considerations. In a war between Italy and England, would not his sympathies be with Italy?
- If God knows all things beforehand, is not that the end of our freedom?
- It proves that your Church depends upon credulity rather than upon reason for its support.
- If repetition adds to effectiveness, why stop at ten Hail Marys? Why not more?
- Christ gave us the command to search the Scriptures. Jn. V.9 39.
- I have never seen a Nun smile or look pleasant.
- Did not Philip III. and Philip IV. ask the Popes Paul V., Gregory V., and Alexander VII. to define the Immaculate Conception in order to stop the wrangling, the Popes replying that the doctrine was not definable as not being in Scripture?
- The Archbishop of Peru was blessed by the Pope9 and died of poison forty-three days later.
- Who made the law of celibacy?
- Priests are only natural human beings. Why are they forbidden to marry?
- He commanded the rich young man to sell all, and give it to the poor.
- You insist then that this prohibition of certain types of books is a reasonable measure?
- Is not the convent system borrowed from the pagan Vestal Virgin system?
- Does the Bible sanction such prayers to Mary?
- God forbade us to icorship plaster statues as Catholics do; yet you send missionaries to convert heathens who do the same thing.
- St. Thomas taugjit that heretics should be put to death.
- He says that the notion of faith in Christ being rewarded, whilst dependence upon reason, observation, and experience merits eternal punishment is too absurd to need refutation.
- Will you apply these same questions to capitalism?
- Did not bad Popes do acts which their successors thought wrong?
- Have not critics proposed hundreds of difficulties such as the foregoing?
- What is the difference between what you call a Secular Priest and a Religious Priest?
- Who is 666, if not the Pope?
- Christ ascended to heaven beyond the clouds. To the moon? Or did He continued beyond the sun and the stars? Or is heaven every where?
- But Jesus tells us to heal. You quote only one place from St. Paul suggesting that only a few could heal. Are we to believe Paul or Jesus?
- Your Church is composed of human beings like any other.
- You Catholics got Sunday from Mithraism.
- Medicine was in vogue before Christ came. But we Christian Scientists know that Christ ushered in a new dispensation.
- You defend your Church against the charge of alliance with the captalists. But I, as a socialist, still accuse her of disloyalty to the workers.
- Do you believe that any good can result from the ceremonial blessing of a house built of bricks and mortar?
- Pastor Chiniquy was a Priest who said that he left the Church because she was too intolerant.
- Did not Christ say, "No man can serve two masters"?
- What an elastic system! The Pope can be evil, and your doctrine from a sink of iniquity will be good !
- You cannot deny that religion is a powerful tool in the hands of rulers to oppress the lower classes.
- I don't see the need of learning to understand a simple story for simple people.
- Is it not demoralizing for young girls to be asked by the Priest whether they have been guilty of improper behavior?
- How could Mary be the mother of the One who created her?
- Would you say that the Archbishop of Canterbury is preaching an anti-Christian doctrine?
- If a Catholic did marry outside the Catholic Church, would Christ cast a stain upon little children held up by Him to he the essence of goodness and innocence?
- God is love.
- Anglican ministers are just as good and intelligent as you are, and have studied the Bible just as deeply.
- I think Catholic ideas most peculiar in this matter.
- I see the Catholic viewpoint in this matter, hut a far greater difficulty arises for me concerning your Church in so far as she claims within her spiritual sphere to be infallible.
- Can we say that there will be justice in another world because it is conspicuously absent in this?
- But Christ who came as the revelation of God, was so kind and gentle!
- Can a Christian believe everything in the Old Testament?
- Have not Priests left the Church, admitting that they have been telling lies for years?
- But in almost every country where she exists, the Catholic Church meddles with politics and causes trouble.
- May not heaven and hell be our present thought-forms which will give way to other thought-forms when we leave the body and go to the unknown?
- St. Peter means that the Prophets did not prophesy by their own will, but by the Holy Spirit. He does not refer to interpretation by us.
- Would a Catholic be justified in leaving the Catholic Church in order to join a Protestant form of religion?
- Did not Christianity borrow many doctrines from Greek, Egyptian, Persian, and other mythologies? Cardinal Newman at least admits that Catholicism is a mixture of paganism and Christianity.
- What is your attitude towards John Wesley?
- Are we to believe that the story of Jonah and the whale is true?
- Was not Alexander VI. one of the most evil men the world has ever seen?
- The ridiculous story of the flood offends against my common sense.
- We want a religion, not of sanctifying piety, but of pity.
- Is it not opposed to the simplicity of His principles?
- Why do you reserve the hierarchical authority to men? Why not give women a chance?
- Was Christ a socialist when He said, "Our Father9 give us our bread" instead of saying, "My Father, give Me My bread"?
- Whatever the theory may be, I object to the anti-Christian practice.
- The shame of having to tell their sins keeps Catholics away from their Church and from Christ.
- If miracles were necessary to convince men 2,000 years ago, why not today?
- I went to a Requiem Mass, and was highly amused at the antics of the Priest with his gabble and mumble.
- Would you call Protestants heathens?
- Why does the Catholic Church forbid cremation?
- May a Catholic join the Odd Fellows?
- St. Paul says that if a man cannot rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church. 1 Tim. III., 4.
- Protestants do not believe in your oath of celibacy. They know that Priests do not live up to it.
- But your attitude is an insult to Protestants. You even compare their religion with paganism
- How do you know that you can help the souls in purgatory by your prayers?
- Is playing tennis keeping a day holy and as a day of rest?
- You excuse the Church's lack of interest in these matters by saying that she exists to save souls.
- When He multiplied bread He did not sell the loaves and reap profit. He gave them away.
- Is it fair to mar the happiness of a young couple?
- What is the purpose of the resurrection?
- Is it not the function of priests of all religions to pretend to explain mysteries?
- There would not be two girls in the one family called Mary.
- Who made the Sacraments?
- The Old Catholics are as Apostolic as your Church.
- Do not Catholics adore the Pope?
- St. Peter was not head of the Apostles. All the Apostles acted as having the same authority.
- Did not the Pope grant divorces to Louis XII. and Henry IV. of France, and very nearly to Henry VIII. of England, being prevented in this case by fear of Charles V.?
- If sport on Sunday were no harm, Christ would have said so.
- Did the early Church know anything of this doctrine?
- The servant of the servants of God I Is not the Pope rather the Beast predicted by Dan. VII?
- Can books destroy peoples' faith if they are properly instructed?
- Why is her book allowed to he published, if not true?
- But why should the innocent be condemned to death for the guilty?
- They never come out.
- How many of the Cardinals with power to elect the Pope are non-Italians?
- God says, "Thou shalt do no manner of work" yet you permit housework on Sundays.
- There is nothing in heathendom more pagan or cruel than the story of Job.
- Could we not call Christ's Church a garden? The Roman Catholic Church is the original tree—the others slips cut off, and growing in the same garden, and producing the same fruit, but with a slightly different flavor?
- Christ said that he who believes "cometh not into judgment, but is passed from death to life." Jn. V., 24.
- But if the clergy themselves are in deadly opposition, and cannot tell me for certain what Christianity means!
- Are there many devils?
- But a prayer to God directly must be more efficacious than a prayer to Mary.
- Why do Catholics genuflect before entering the seats?
- The giving up of religion has made no change in me for good or evil, sorrow or happiness.
- Did not Henry VIII. suppress monasteries and convents because they were immoral?
- If you do not extort, you press home the fact that, unless such Masses are said, the soul of the loved one will remain in purgatory.
- Ought not Catholics to abstain from intoxicating drink on Fridays?
- Why was the Duke's first marriage invalid?
- We Protestants believe that God alone can forgive sin.
- The Mass - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Do not Catholics sin because they know they can get absolution in Confession?
- You say that Catholics may read the Bible. But do they do so?
- By what authority does the Catholic Church make Saints?
- First Pope - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Heb. II, 14, tells us that the devil is to be destroyed. Who then will keep the fire of hell going?
- Burning Bibles - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Whilst I walk in the spirit, I do not think it necessary to be subject to any visible organization.
- Science says that the process of creation took millions of years; Genesis says that it occurred in six days. Why cling to a story which reason discredits?
- It comes to the same thing. We Protestants get a divorce from the state whilst Catholics get an annulment from their Church.
- We Adventists observe Saturday as God commanded* Where are we wrong?
- But look at the Vatican, and all the other property in land and buildings!
- My poverty is due to the oppression of capitalism, not to the loving will of God.
- Man does not possess a soul. He is a soul. The Bible says that God breathed the breath of life into the body, and it became a living soul.
- Is it mortal sin to read a book which one knows to be on the Index?
- He left the Church merely because he was not going to be told by the Pope what to do.
- Was not the Bible unknown to the people before the Reformation?
- Why are Catholic Churches decorated with images and statues in direct violation of the second commandment?
- Did the Catholic Church protest against the massacre of Huguenots on St. Bartholomew's Day, Aug. 23, 1572?
- There are thousands living on the gullibility of the poor.
- Christ's blood is not shed in the Mass, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.
- I don't miss much by not having a religion.
- It is cruel that young Nuns should teach tiresome children all day and then return to live with elderly and cranky Nuns.
- You teach that heaven will last forever, although Christ said that heaven and earth shall pass away.
- He visited only the poorest homes.
- I am loyal to Christ, not to any supposed representatives on earth.
- St. Paul himself warns us, "Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy and vain deceit; according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ." Coloss. II., 8.
- When someone praised Mary, Christ paid no attention, but said that only those are blessed who keep the word of God. Lk. X1., 28.
- Granted immortality and the need of natural religion, could we prove that more would have to be revealed?
- Is not the Church built on the knowledge it gets from the Bible?
- But you cannot escape the fact that the Catholic Church is a kingdom of this world, although Christ said that His Kingdom was not of this world.
- Yet you insist that she is the Mother of God!
- Believers, lives must be overshadowed by stupendous horror!
- You priests make the mysteries and pretend to be acquainted with the unknown, in order to boost your superior position.
- It is little use your telling us what ought to be9 unless you can prove it as a fact from Scripture.
- You quoted the text, "Fear not them that are not able to kill the soul." But Christ went on to say, "Fear him who can destroy both body and soul."
- My difficulty with the Catholic Church, as far as holiness is concerned, arises from her avarice. The icealth of the Church is a scandal, when one thinks of the poverty of Christ.
- When did the practice of Friday abstinence from meat begin?
- A lawyer, versed in criticism, said that the accounts lack corroboration.
- So Catholics must strangle their reason and swallow anything the Church teaches, however unlikely?
- Do you not maintain that faith in Christianity is necessary for one's eternal salvation?
- The Catholic Church is a blight on social welfare, asking the public to support too many religious institutions.
- Will not the Catholic Church have to part with many of its doctrines in deference to modern thought, if it is to last till the end of time?
- The Knights of Columbus form a secret society sanctioned by the Catholic Church. How do they differ from Masonry?
- Does not St. Peter say that all Christians are a holy priesthood?
- A man could be orthodox on every question, yet be lost.
- God's providence gives enough for all. Why should there be such destitution?
- But St. Paul tells us that Jesus alone hath immortality. I. Tim. VI., 16.
- Why is it mortal sin to miss Mass on Sundays?
- In the United States it means a sum of between one and two millions a year.
- Have we attained to a full knowledge of God, or are we advancing towards the fulness of truth?
- Why do Catholics worship relics of Saints?
- St. Matthew says that Joseph knew her not till she brought forth her first-born son. I., 25.
- The Catholic Church is Satan's Organisation.
- Scripture nowhere says that infants were baptised.
- But does not your allegiance to the Pope conflict with your duty as a British subject? Remember that your Church is controlled by a foreign temporal king.
- If you are not satisfied with the king, why accept him as your protector? Why not get out? Why continue to accept his hospitality?
- Why do not Catholics have a Bible in the house?
- May Catholics assist at Spiritistic Seances?
- Anyway, the Protestants pray that America will never come under the domination of the Catholic Church.
- What is holy water, and how does it differ from ordinary water?
- Your doctrines humble man and disfigure the soul.
- Why does the Church cling to Latin, a dead language?
- So if a Catholic becomes a Protestant, he has no liope?
- Well, I am afraid of nothing as long as I have the pure Word of God to fall back upon.
- Convents have laundries and schools. Surely these are public institutions.
- Do you deny that the early Christians practiced healing?
- Why do Catholic women make such bad wives for Protestant husbands? They seem so proud and selfish.
- As there are no half-measures in this matter, your refusal of prohibition favors the continuance of a sin repugnant to Christ.
- Each convert you make means more revenue, but where is the advantage to the convert?
- I am a materialist and cannot admit miracles, alleged or otherwise.
- Understanding Pharaoh's Hardened Heart
- Why did the Apostles ask Christ who was the greater among them, if they knew that Peter was the greater?
- St. Paul thought the end was imminent, and told the Thessalonians that they would go to heaven with him.
- Right is right, and wrong is wrong, whether we are mortal or immortal.
- Why do not Catholics have a Bible in the house?
- I don't agree with any of these priestly claims. Anyway, the search' light of modern science is gradually breaking them up.
- Will not heaven be monotonous—always existing with no hope of change?
- Why inherit the first sin of Adam, and not his subsequent sins?
- In Acts X,. 26, Peter refused to let a man kneel before him.Why does not the Pope behave as did St. Peter?
- By relinquishing immersion you lose the significance of the original rite.
- Does not the Catholic Church permit the use of lies in the defence of her worn-out dogmas?
- Why did they not cross over by the dry land where the Suez Canal now exists?
- What does the Catholic Church do to wipe out the drink evil which causes so much misery in so many homes? We Protestants fight for prohibition.
- Scripture mentions neither the word Roman nor Catholic in connection with Christ's Church.
- Do you maintain that your mysterious Bible contains the revelation of God?
- You are most ungrateful, for your own change from Protestantism to Catholicism was due to the very freedom of thinking given you by Protestantism.
- I do. If it be in the interests of the public to have a "Pure Foods Act," is it not in the interest of Christians to have a "Pure Faith Act."?
- And you deny that you have changed the commandment?
- 1 want proof outside your Catholic tradition. Does Scripture say that St. Peter was ever in Rome?
- But can you prove that God did delegate that power to men?
- The Apostles, Creed, the Athanasian, and the Nicene do not mention transubstantiation. There is no record of such a doctrine until 1564 when Pius IV. put it into his creed. Are we to believe the early Christians, or the doctrine of a thousand years later?
- Then a Priest can absolve only on certain conditions?
- Why more confidence in a single man as a Confessor than in a married man?
- Could we not say that Christ was a sincere humanitarian?
- There is not much holiness in having an evil woman as Pope. How could she be the Vicar of Christ?
- We Masons are bound to secrecy by our code just as you Priests by yours.
- Christ said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar9* and to God the things that are God's"
- "Thou shaft not steal" is at least as decisive against gambling as "Thou shalt not kill" against dueling.
- Must not the Pope always be an Italian?
- Christ found out His mistake on the cross and knew that it was all in vain when He cried, "My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me."
- Will you explain a little more clearly what angels are?
- Would not the Rosary be just as efficient if said with one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Gloria?
- If a Catholic cannot sign away the children how can a Protestant do so?
- Your dogmas are a crime of hostility to freedom of thought and expression.
- But when two intellectual men disagree, how can the ordinary man hope to decide?
- Birth-control may be necessary for the sake of the mothers health. What if the doctor says that she cannot have more children?
- Vain Repetition - The Catholic Church has the Answer
- Why does no reputable historian mention Christ, and His wonderful works?
- Do you feel proud of yourself when you read of Torquemada?
- When I think of the expense, I think too of the poor and ask why so much money should be wasted.
- Marriage is a contract between the parties themselves. Why should they have to be married in the Catholic Church?
- Then you might he praying for a soul not in purgatory at dill
- But where was unity even within the Catholic Church during the fourteenth century, when there were three Popes at once, each with his own section of adherents?
- The holiness of the Catholic Church is no argument. Satan pretends to be an Angel of Light.
- Religion gives a dread of death which I do not experience.
- Do not Christian Scientists produce miracles just as at Lourdes?
- I maintain that the Masonic Craft is Christian.
- Could there not have been a hidden spring in the rock struck by Moses?
- In what did the religion of Christ differ from that taught by Moses?
- Did not Christ promise that toe should reign on earth with Him for a thousand years, and that during this Millenium Satan would be bound?
- You have often hinted that the Catholic Church is indefectible, and that she will last forever. Is she not rather in her death-throes?
- What is the use of referring the workers to state authority? The state is merely an organized force to protect the interests of the wealthy.
- I have heard Catholics speak of indulgences for the souls in purgatory? What are indulgences?
- When did God make purgatory?
- Is the Church a mythical something apart from its individual components?
- Did not the Pope forbid the liberty of the Press?
- When did the Church first forbid Catholics to be Masons?
- This changing of the law proves that the Catholic Church is founded and governed by Satan.
- Why should the fact of our being born give us the right to exist forever?
- Does God want to roast you merely because you have the misfortune to be alive? He knows that you had no say in the matter.
- Many pretend to believe and are hypocrites.
- Can a Mason become a Catholic?
- Your Church takes the stand of an intolerant bidly in this matter.
- I want you to reconcile such conduct with Christ's commands.
- What is Confession?
- Why does the Catholic Church give Communion under one kind only?
- St. Matthew speaks of the dead appearing to many at the death of Christ, hut fails to give the name of even one of them, or of those who received such visitations.
- Jesus had nowhere to lay his head, yet the Pope lives in a great palace, owns immense wealthy enjoying luxury and ease.
- You have said that the greatest of Christ’s miracles was the resurrection, yet Loisy, a progressive Catholic theologian, says that it was not an historical fact, but a spiritual fact only.
- "Wine is a mocker; strong drink is raging; and whosoever is dceived thereby is not wise," Prov. XX., I.
- Lot was blessed by God. Yet can you imagine a lower moral code than that of a man who would sacrifice his own daughters?
- Why should Catholics be thus burdened?
- Did the Church depart from the faith when she condemned Joan of Arc, a condemnation reversed 500 years later?
- If St. Peter was Pope9 who was his successor?
- You think the infallible authority of the Catholic Church grounds enough for your belief?
- I don't see how all this affects your claims for the Pope. Where is the connecting link between Christ's promise to Peter and the city of Rome?
- Was not Pope Pius IX. a Mason?
- I cannot see how any clear-minded person can believe in hell.
- Are not the Protestant Churches at least working for reunion?
- Why dees the Pope object to the Christian religion in Italy?
- At least concerning Christian doctrine, you believe what the Church teaches, and consider further investigation sinful.
- Luther knew that his love for God did not forbid his entering the state of matrimony which Jesus had blessed at Cana.
- St. Paul was head of the Gentile Churches; St. Peter was head of the Jewish section only.
- What is the punishment of purgatory?
- What do you mean when you say that the true Church must be Apostolic?
- Does the New Testament say that Christ instituted this Sacrament?
- Is not the Douay Version a poorer rendering into English than the Protestant Version, apart from its Romish viewpoint?
- Do you not teach that God’s creative activities extended also to the production of angelic beings?
- Who was Christ?
- Instead of education we find illiteracy in countries where the Catholic religion prevails.
- There are many intelligent people who do not bother about religion.
- Biblical Reasons Why Catholics Make Use of Images
- Can a man consent to be robbed?
- Are you sure that, though the body must die, the soul will live on?
- The Resurrection and Ascension - Primer Catechism
- Protestantism is not a protest against Christ, but against the Roman Church.
- I have known Priests to worry Catholics who have married outside the Catholic Church.
- If two married Protestants both become Catholics, have they to be married again in the Catholic Church?
- If the miracles were so evident, I don't see how the Jews could refuse to accept Christianity?
- What is a Sacrament?
- The Church commands the rich "religiously to refrain from cutting down wages." But the rich refuse to hear the Church.
- But Indian philosophy taught this Trinitarian doctrine long before Christianity.
- If Jesus teas born of a virgin why does He say nothing about it?
- May not Catholics believe in creative evolution, or emergent evolution?
- Understanding Religious Education and Taxation
- Understanding the Role of Priests in Forgiveness
- Understanding Catholic Views on Salvation
- Understanding the Fundamental Differences between the Church of England and the Catholic Church
- Understanding Faith and Belief in Christianity
- Seeking Understanding: A Balanced Perspective
- The Call to Worship and Personal Conduct
- Understanding the Catholic Church's Stance on Divorce
- The Quest for True Happiness
- Understanding God's Expectations: Scriptural Insights
- Understanding Biblical Representations of Angels
- Understanding the Significance of the Cross in Christianity
- The Perseverance in Prayer and Masses: A Reflection on Catholic Devotion
- Understanding the Harmony of the Gospels
- Understanding the Catholic Church's Stance on Reading Scripture in the Vernacular
- Understanding the Wisdom of St. Augustine on Confession
- Understanding the Role of Wealth in Religion
- Understanding Predestination: Catholicism vs Calvinism
- Understanding the Role of Saint Peter in the Establishment of the Church
- England's Spiritual Progress and the Teachings of Christ
- The Role of Saints in the Catholic Church
- The Necessity of Baptism for Salvation
- The Assumption of Mary: A Belief Rooted in Tradition
- Attending Catholic Services as a Protestant
- The Importance of Continence in Marriage
- The Bible's Mention of Heaven, Hell, and Other States
- The Catholic Church and the Bible
- Understanding Protestantism from a Catholic Biblical Perspective
- The Apostolic Succession and the Power of Forgiveness
- The Holiness of the Catholic Church: Debunking Misconceptions
- The True Purpose of the Catholic Church
- Purgatory: A Place of Purification
- The Laws of Nature and Their Divine Origin
- The Essence of Christ's Message: "Fear Not, Little Flock"
- The Role of Belief in Attaining Future Happiness
- The New Testament's Perspective on Religion
- The Catholic Belief in Purgatory: A Biblical Perspective
- The Necessity of Believing in the Fall of Man
- Examining the Distinctiveness of Jesus in Comparison to Great Thinkers
- Misinterpretations of Jesus' Teachings
- The Gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ