Whilst there is life there is always hope. Such a man may return to the Catholic Church, or at least die sincerely repenting of ever having left it.
Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty
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- Of course, as a Catholic, you have to try to prove it.
- The Church of England is Catholic because she is sending missionaries throughout the whole world as far as possible.
- Would it not be better for thousands of children of physically, mentally, morally, or financially unfit parents never to have been born?
- Matt. II., 14 says that the Holy Family went to Egypt until the death of Herod. Lk. II., 39, says that they waited 40 days for the Purification, and went thence to Nazareth! Which is correct?
- Is it possible to secure forgiveness without confessing to a Priest?
- Do you hnoiv of any Nun who has left after final vows, going hack to the world and to sanity?
- It is cruel that young Nuns should teach tiresome children all day and then return to live with elderly and cranky Nuns.
- It is strange that two highly intellectual men should be affected so differently, you being attracted to join the Catholic Church, McCabe impelled to leave it.
- They are ordinary men, and as such cannot resist their natural inclinations.
- Why does He permit those who do serve Him to live in poverty, whilst the godless have a smooth path through life?
- But surely the majority of the millions of Protestants would realise their mistake, if indeed they are mistaken. They would on any other important subject.
- Should they not have assisted the needy whilst they were alive?
- What becomes of God when you think of the misery and starvation in the world?
- Why do Catholic women make such bad wives for Protestant husbands? They seem so proud and selfish.
- What becomes of the money paid by Catholic children in school-fees? Do not the Brothers and Nuns work for nothing?
- Christ did not die that Nuns should live such a strange and hard life in these civilized times.
- Why does the Catholic Church surround death with gloom, offering the Mass in black vestments, and everything so sad and solemn?