Yet did not James preside at the Council of Jerusalem, although Peter was present?

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He did not. St. Peter presided. Acts XV., 7, says, “After much disputing Peter rose up and said”; he then solved the question. Verse 12 tells us that after Peter had spoken all held their peace. James then spoke in support of Peter’3 decision, as much as to say, “Peter is right. I too think that the Gentiles should not be disquieted.” St. Jerome remarks, concerning this incident, “The whole multitude held their peace, and James the Apostle together with all the priests passed over to the judgment of Peter. . . . Peter was the prime mover in issuing the decree.” St. John Chrysostom wrote, “See the care of the teacher towards his subjects! He has the first authority in the discussion because to him all were committed.”

Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty

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