
He left the Church merely because he was not going to be told by the Pope what to do.

You have said it. Henry was not going to be told even by the Pope to keep God’s law, so he rebelled, and his rebellion was the genesis of Anglicanism. It began in disobedience, even as all the world’s troubles began in the cry of Satan, “I will not serve.” When men refused to obey […]

He left the Church merely because he was not going to be told by the Pope what to do. Read More »

Man does not possess a soul. He is a soul. The Bible says that God breathed the breath of life into the body, and it became a living soul.

That breath of life was either a definite something, or it was nothing. But you cannot tell me that nothing vitalized that body. It was a definite something, and that something was a created human intelligent soul. Again, if man has not got a soul, then instead of being composed of body and soul, he

Man does not possess a soul. He is a soul. The Bible says that God breathed the breath of life into the body, and it became a living soul. Read More »

My poverty is due to the oppression of capitalism, not to the loving will of God.

God has permitted it, but it has come about firstly, by mistaken conduct, with all good will, on the part of man; secondly, by faults both on the side of some capitalists and of some workers; thirdly, through mere force of circumstances. It is not against God’s positive will to try to remedy these things.

My poverty is due to the oppression of capitalism, not to the loving will of God. Read More »

But look at the Vatican, and all the other property in land and buildings!

For the administration of a huge society like the Catholic Church, consisting of over 400 million members, offices and temporalities are necessary. But these properties are not the possession of any individual Catholic, not even of the Pope. Even the Pope can will none of it away when he dies, as if it were his

But look at the Vatican, and all the other property in land and buildings! Read More »

It comes to the same thing. We Protestants get a divorce from the state whilst Catholics get an annulment from their Church.

There is all the difference in the world between the two positions. A civil divorce claims to break the bonds of a valid marriage, bonds which the Catholic Church rigidly declares to be unbreakable. A decree of nullity does not break the bonds of a valid marriage at all. It declares that the marriage was

It comes to the same thing. We Protestants get a divorce from the state whilst Catholics get an annulment from their Church. Read More »

Science says that the process of creation took millions of years; Genesis says that it occurred in six days. Why cling to a story which reason discredits?

Reason in no way discredits the account in Genesis. I am speaking of genuine and enlightened reason, not of the notions of people who think their own opinions always reasonable, whether they are so or not It is possible to interpret the Hebrew word for day as meaning a period of indefinite length. But there

Science says that the process of creation took millions of years; Genesis says that it occurred in six days. Why cling to a story which reason discredits? Read More »

Whilst I walk in the spirit, I do not think it necessary to be subject to any visible organization.

You may say that you believe it unnecessary. But pay attention to the words of Christ I have just quoted. He thought it necessary, and He has the right to map out the kind of religion we are to accept. If Christians had to accept such disciplinary authority in the time of the Apostles, they

Whilst I walk in the spirit, I do not think it necessary to be subject to any visible organization. Read More »

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