
You teach that heaven will last forever, although Christ said that heaven and earth shall pass away.

Heaven there means the heavens. Our Lord couples the expression with the earth, and predicts that the visible universe will undergo a great change. The heavens, or the whole universe together with the earth, will some day cease to be as we see them at present. The visible order will change, but the teachings of

You teach that heaven will last forever, although Christ said that heaven and earth shall pass away. Read More »

It is cruel that young Nuns should teach tiresome children all day and then return to live with elderly and cranky Nuns.

I am glad you admit that the Nuns have taken up a tiresome duty for the love of God, expecting no other reward save His approval. You must admire the way in which they voluntarily consecrate their lives to God, and to the training of little ones to fit them for the service of God

It is cruel that young Nuns should teach tiresome children all day and then return to live with elderly and cranky Nuns. Read More »

Christ’s blood is not shed in the Mass, and without shedding of blood there is no remission.

Christ offered Himself with the shedding of blood on Calvary. Without that shedding of blood there would be no remission of sin. Yet since the Mass is but an application of Calvary with its shedding of blood there is no real difficulty. There is a difficulty for one who denies the Sacrifice of the Mass,

Christ’s blood is not shed in the Mass, and without shedding of blood there is no remission. Read More »

Did the Catholic Church protest against the massacre of Huguenots on St. Bartholomew’s Day, Aug. 23, 1572?

Yes. That massacre had no connection whatever with the Catholic Church. The Church did not instigate the massacre, nor did the Pope have any knowledge of it beforehand. It was a purely political and deplorable murder engineered by Catherine de Medici, a woman almost completely irreligious. After its occurrence a lying report was sent to

Did the Catholic Church protest against the massacre of Huguenots on St. Bartholomew’s Day, Aug. 23, 1572? Read More »

Why are Catholic Churches decorated with images and statues in direct violation of the second commandment?

The second commandment is, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Protestants, of course, call that the third commandment. But they are wrong in doing so, having taken that part of the first commandment which refers to images as the second of God’s commandments. But do those words forbid

Why are Catholic Churches decorated with images and statues in direct violation of the second commandment? Read More »

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