
Convents have laundries and schools. Surely these are public institutions.

If the Sisters conduct an institution, that institution is distinct and separate from the convent proper, and may be inspected at any time by any authorized person. But the right to inspect a public institution does not give the right to inspect the manager’s private home. Would you insist that he must show you the […]

Convents have laundries and schools. Surely these are public institutions. Read More »

Anyway, the Protestants pray that America will never come under the domination of the Catholic Church.

You are wasting your prayers. The Catholic Church, even if our country became entirely Catholic, would not wish to assume purely civil government. Free and easy divorce laws would be repealed; the sale of birth-control requirements would be prohibited; and various other un-Christian liberties would be withdrawn. But where legislation did not conflict with God’s

Anyway, the Protestants pray that America will never come under the domination of the Catholic Church. Read More »

If you are not satisfied with the king, why accept him as your protector? Why not get out? Why continue to accept his hospitality?

I am quite satisfied with the king, and wish to hear nothing to his discredit. I do not accept his hospitality. A child does not accept the hospitality of his own parents. I was born a British subject. I do my duty. The king does his. I admit that he is head of the Anglican

If you are not satisfied with the king, why accept him as your protector? Why not get out? Why continue to accept his hospitality? Read More »

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