
Why does the Catholic Church surround death with gloom, offering the Mass in black vestments, and everything so sad and solemn?

The Catholic Church does not surround death with gloom. But her liturgy is in keeping with man’s nature as God intended it to be. Despite all spiritual joy and consolation, whilst hearts are human they break. Even God does not expect us to be hard and inhuman, unmoved when some dear one is taken from

Why does the Catholic Church surround death with gloom, offering the Mass in black vestments, and everything so sad and solemn? Read More »

According to Cardinal Vaughan, Catholics think the Mass better than Calvary!

That sweeping statement is not justified by Cardinal Vaughan’s qualified doctrine. “So far as the practical effects upon the soul are concerned,” he writes, “the Holy Mass has in some senses the advantage over Calvary.” And he was quite right. No Catholics think that the Mass in itself is better than Calvary, for it is

According to Cardinal Vaughan, Catholics think the Mass better than Calvary! Read More »

Your Church will be useless until she preaches less individual salvation and more social salvation.

The Church must preach that each individual soul will answer personally to God for its conduct during life, and also for its influence by good or bad conduct upon others. And each soul must answer to God for itself. No one else can answer for it. At the same time, any scheme of individual salvation

Your Church will be useless until she preaches less individual salvation and more social salvation. Read More »

We Protestants believe that Christ’s body is really present in the Eucharist, but not by transubstantiation.

The majority of Protestants believe that His body is really absent. Those who do say that they believe in His real Presence yet deny transubstantiation illogically admit an effect yet deny the only process by which it can truly occur. If there be no transubstantiation or conversion of the substance of bread into the substance

We Protestants believe that Christ’s body is really present in the Eucharist, but not by transubstantiation. Read More »

Priests violate a fundamental law of nature ordering production of the race.

It is a fundamental law of nature that those who do exercise the functions of marriage should do so for the propagation of the race, and no Church fights against the contraceptionist as does the Catholic Church. But it is not a fundamental law of nature that every individual must marry. Many single people never

Priests violate a fundamental law of nature ordering production of the race. Read More »

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