Author name: The Catholic Answers

Can you give me one case where the Church has actively assisted the lower orders against the oppression of higher powers?

Certainly. In Catholic times, when the Church had power, the people of England owed Magna Charta, or the great Charter of their liberties against the royal tyranny, to Stephen Langton, the Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury, and Primate of England. In 1929 Lord Strickland tried to trample upon the rights of the people in Malta. He […]

Can you give me one case where the Church has actively assisted the lower orders against the oppression of higher powers? Read More »

Can you call a man a Christian who hoards up useless cash whilst another man starves?

No. And the Catholic Church says that a man who has superfluous goods, knows that some given man is starving, and lets him starve, commits a mortal sin in God’s sight, the fruit of which will be hell for all eternity, unless he receives a singular grace of repentance for such evil conduct before he

Can you call a man a Christian who hoards up useless cash whilst another man starves? Read More »

If your Church won’t denounce unscrupulous capitalism, how can you justify your faith in the Founder of your Church, who was a carpenter, a working man?

The Church certainly denounces unscrupulous capitalism. But not all capitalists are unscrupulous. No one has ever spoken more strongly and soundly on the abuses of capitalism than Pope Leo XIII. He upheld the rights of labor, denounced the injustice of many amongst the wealthy classes, and laid down rules which men can refuse to follow

If your Church won’t denounce unscrupulous capitalism, how can you justify your faith in the Founder of your Church, who was a carpenter, a working man? Read More »

There is no evidence of the holiness of your Church in the lives of the Catholic people. Catholics do not practice what they preach.

You may know of some individual Catholics who do not. Unfortunately, so do I. But would you say that all Englishmen are dishonest because you know of some individual dishonest Englishmen? Be sure that a Catholic can be evil only by breaking the laws of his Church, and you cannot blame the Church for the

There is no evidence of the holiness of your Church in the lives of the Catholic people. Catholics do not practice what they preach. Read More »

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