Author name: The Catholic Answers

If you are not obliged to believe all that the Pope says9 how say that he is infallible?

Because he is not infallible in everything. He is infallible only when he speaks in virtue of his supreme office as head of the Church on matters of faith and morals. He notifies us when he intends to define in accordance with all the conditions required for infallibility. This restriction to set occasions is as

If you are not obliged to believe all that the Pope says9 how say that he is infallible? Read More »

We Protestants believe that Christian doctrine was kept pure as long as the Apostles lived, hut after their deaths, errors crept in.

You err both in fact and in doctrine. In fact, for the Apostles complained of errors, not of the Church, but of individual professing Christians even in their own days. In doctrine, because you practically assert that Christ failed to preserve His Church; that the Holy Spirit did not remain with her; and that the

We Protestants believe that Christian doctrine was kept pure as long as the Apostles lived, hut after their deaths, errors crept in. Read More »

A higher standard of life and education is demanded to-day than in mediaeval times, and one can’t do it with a large family.

That could not justify birth-control by contraceptive methods. The choice to-day is between Christ and the modern pagan philosophy. If modern godless civilization is right, and this life is all, then let us measure everything by utility and pleasure. If Christ is right, and the beatitudes, directed against worldly wisdom, are the road to eternal

A higher standard of life and education is demanded to-day than in mediaeval times, and one can’t do it with a large family. Read More »

Did not Pope Innocent III. in 1208 first teach the dogma that the Mass is a sacrifice?

No. He merely insisted upon the doctrine which had always been held by Christians that the Mass is a sacrifice in the true sense of the Gospel teachings. If the idea was not Catholic doctrine until 1208, why did St. Irenaeus in the year 180, over 1000 years earlier, write that Christ commanded His disciples

Did not Pope Innocent III. in 1208 first teach the dogma that the Mass is a sacrifice? Read More »

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