Author name: The Catholic Answers

Is the Church a mythical something apart from its individual components?

No. The Catholic Church is the body of all the faithful. But not each member of the faithful constitutes the whole Church. And the vast majority in every age has been sufficiently good morally, even though saints have necessarily been the minority. Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles […]

Is the Church a mythical something apart from its individual components? Read More »

I have heard Catholics speak of indulgences for the souls in purgatory? What are indulgences?

Do not mix up the ecclesiastical term indulgence with the modern idea of self-indulgence. An indulgence is not a permission to indulge in sin, but is a remission of punishment due to sin. Now in the early Christian Church certain sins were punished by long public penance, sometimes for days, at other times for years.

I have heard Catholics speak of indulgences for the souls in purgatory? What are indulgences? Read More »

What is the use of referring the workers to state authority? The state is merely an organized force to protect the interests of the wealthy.

By referring workers to state authority, the Church does not mean to any particular party which happens to be in power. But let workers unite, make use of lawful political influence, vote unjust governments out, and vote just governments in. Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty

What is the use of referring the workers to state authority? The state is merely an organized force to protect the interests of the wealthy. Read More »

You have often hinted that the Catholic Church is indefectible, and that she will last forever. Is she not rather in her death-throes?

No. She has scarcely ever been in a stronger position, and she will last till the end of the world. Even then, instead of going into oblivion, she will merge into the Church-Triumphant in Heaven. Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty

You have often hinted that the Catholic Church is indefectible, and that she will last forever. Is she not rather in her death-throes? Read More »

Did not Christ promise that toe should reign on earth with Him for a thousand years, and that during this Millenium Satan would be bound?

That has no reference to a further probation on this earth. The thousand years are to be interpreted in the Hebrew sense of a long and indefinite period of time. Even to-day we say, “I could listen to such music for a week,” without intending precisely seven days. The thousand years refer to the long

Did not Christ promise that toe should reign on earth with Him for a thousand years, and that during this Millenium Satan would be bound? Read More »

In what did the religion of Christ differ from that taught by Moses?

Christ retained all the basic laws of religion and morality contained in the progressively revealed Jewish preparation, abolishing only the particular rites and ceremonies which were purely figurative, and also the imperfections of the initial religion. Radio Replies Volume 1 by Rev. Dr. Leslie Rumble MSC and Rev. Charles Mortimer Carty

In what did the religion of Christ differ from that taught by Moses? Read More »

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